Denis Efimov
Denis Efimov

Who was more impactful?

Thank you very much for the book! This is a good account of his errors.
Denis Efimov

Don't celebrate yet: The WHO could still sneak the pandemic treaty through a back door - LifeSite

May the Holy Archangel Michael come to their aid and may the Blessed Virgin Mary lead them in the holy battle against globalist satanic evil!
Denis Efimov

Stuck in a Box of Suicidal Madness - The Catholic Thing

Doesn't GTV prohibit posting photos of Protestant chapels?
Denis Efimov

Who was more impactful?

Paul VI approved the documents of the Second Vatican Council. He also stated that from now on everyone must be transformed into the “image of the Conciliar Church.”
Denis Efimov

Vatican II and the Work of the Spirit - Inside The Vatican

Christ Himself, “though unseen, presides at the Councils of the Church and guides them” (Pius XII, “Mystici Corporis”). Did Christ preside over the Second Vatican Council? Did Christ guide this Council?
Denis Efimov

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘Adopted the Ideology of the French Revolution’

The “values”of the French (masonic) revolution were adopted by the Second Vatican Council. Even Ratzinger admitted this.
Denis Efimov

This article in the CCC about conscience is greatly mistaken

"A false conscience which is mistaken in things which are intrinsically evil commands something which is contrary to the law of God. Nevertheless, it says that what it commands is the law of God. ... one who follows such a conscience and acts according to it acts against the law of God and sins mortally. For there was sin in the error itself, since it happened because of ignorance of that which one …More
"A false conscience which is mistaken in things which are intrinsically evil commands something which is contrary to the law of God. Nevertheless, it says that what it commands is the law of God. ... one who follows such a conscience and acts according to it acts against the law of God and sins mortally. For there was sin in the error itself, since it happened because of ignorance of that which one should have known" (St. Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, 17, 4, 3).

"sometimes the error of conscience does not have the power of loosing or of excusing, namely, when the error itself is a sin, such as when it proceeds out of ignorance of that which someone can know or is held to know, just as if he were to believe that simple fornication is a venial sin. And then, although he would believe himself to sin venially, nevertheless he would not sin venially, but mortally" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Quodlibet, 8, 6, 5).
Denis Efimov

Does anybody understand that sentence?

This is the muddy language of modernists. It does not have any clear meaning, but will certainly be interpreted by them in a satanic anti-Catholic sense. Conciliar and post-conciliar documents are full of such turbidity.
Denis Efimov

Fiducia Supplicans: Cardinal Koch Openly Criticises the Mess Tucho has Created

"we have similar tensions in the Catholic Church over the same issues"
It is Koch who has tensions in his head. We have no tensions in the Catholic Church. All who have tensions on these issues are heretics, and therefore are outside the Catholic Church.More
"we have similar tensions in the Catholic Church over the same issues"

It is Koch who has tensions in his head. We have no tensions in the Catholic Church. All who have tensions on these issues are heretics, and therefore are outside the Catholic Church.
Denis Efimov

Tucho Supports the Demand: “ Unrepentant Homosexuals Must Be Excommunicated”

Because the heretic Hans Urs von Balthasar taught that the conciliar church should be like a prostitute, and spread its legs everywhere (see his "Casta Meretrix" in "Sponsa Verbi", 1969, р. 267).
Denis Efimov

Fernández Attempts to Mend Relationship with Coptic Church in Wake of Disastrous Fiducia Supplicans

This is probably because Francis did not like the “blow to ecumenism” dealt by Tucho’s sodomite document, and he drove Fernandez to put up with the copts at any cost.
Denis Efimov

Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

"The heart is perverse above all things" (Jer. 17:9).
Denis Efimov

Tucho "Fully Supports" (sic) the Coptic Statement against "Fiducia Supplicans"

In other words, previously Tawadros essentially said that Tucho is a heretic, and now Tucho says he agrees with it because it is the teaching of Holy Scripture? Well, thank you for admitting that you are a heretic, Tucho.
Denis Efimov

Beyond the Manipulated Interview: Francis' Unanswered Questions

I suggest a few more questions:
Why do you reject the Catholic Faith?
Do you regret leaving the Catholic Church?
Why do you hate Catholics?
What intensity do you think your punishment in hell will be?
Denis Efimov

Pope Francis Repeats His Abu-Dhabi Nonsense

Yes, because he is a recidivist, obstinate, a public and notorious heretic and apostate. Of course, this is my personal opinion, with which probably hundreds of millions of his adherents may disagree.
Denis Efimov

Criticize Harrison Butker all you want. Homemaking is back - Washington Examiner

Well, if he really believes that marriage is superior to the state of virginity or celibacy, or that the traditional Holy Mass is not the true expression of the true Catholic Faith instituted by Christ, or that the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not the atoning Sacrifice of the Cross, or professes the "prosperity gospel", then he seriously mistaken in faith.
Denis Efimov

Criticize Harrison Butker all you want. Homemaking is back - Washington Examiner

The quote is mainly about how you don't have to be a priest to instruct others or defend the faith, especially in our time. And in what way does this person contradict faith?
Denis Efimov

Criticize Harrison Butker all you want. Homemaking is back - Washington Examiner

"when necessity compels, not those only who are invested with power of rule are bound to safeguard the integrity of faith, but, as St. Thomas maintains: 'Each one is under obligation to show forth his faith, either to instruct and encourage others of the faithful, or to repel the attacks of unbelievers'. To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against …More
"when necessity compels, not those only who are invested with power of rule are bound to safeguard the integrity of faith, but, as St. Thomas maintains: 'Each one is under obligation to show forth his faith, either to instruct and encourage others of the faithful, or to repel the attacks of unbelievers'. To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth, is the part of a man either devoid of character or who entertains doubt as to the truth of what he professes to believe. In both cases such mode of behaving is base and is insulting to God" (Pope Leo XIII, "Sapientiae Christianae", 10.01.1890).