Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist bishops and priests are dubious now, because the rites are more and more modified and their intentions are no longer Catholic. We are in the age of the great apostasy" (28.10.1988).

Validity of the Sacraments Reformed by Paul VI - Dominicans of Avrille, France

Validity of the Sacraments Reformed by Paul VI Article published in Le Sel de la Terre 124, Spring 2033 Dominicans of Avrillé …
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Archbishop Lefebvre: "I agree with your desire to conditionally reorder these priests, and I have done so many times. All the sacraments of modernist bishops and priests are dubious now, because the rites are more and more modified and their intentions are no longer Catholic. We are in the age of the great apostasy" (28.10.1988).
Denis Efimov
The article has been published in its entirety translated into English. Part of it was published online in the original French:
Le Sel de la terre n°124 - Dominicains Avrillé