"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the …More
"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the devastating changes of the 1960s, and this will have major ramifications for the eternal outcomes on souls."

The Three Divisions of Western Catholicism

I wish there were not divisions in Christianity, but there are. I wish there were not any divisions in Catholicism, but there are. In this article, I’m going …
The Wandering Recluse shares this
"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong …More
"Traditional-Apostolic Catholics, Communio Catholics, Concilium Catholics. I still believe both non-traditional factions of Western Catholics are wrong in their approach to somehow defending the devastating changes of the 1960s, and this will have major ramifications for the eternal outcomes on souls."
Thanks to @Live Mike . Father Nix is spot on, it is just most Trad-Catholics aren't seeing it yet. There are groups forming out there and they are intentional, political groups, like Trad-Recovery and websites like Where is Peter founded by Mike Lewis. They are trying to misinform the public and we need to watch what we say,
The Wandering Recluse
@Denis Efimov You are the prime example of the "Trad" Father Nix is referring to in this article and it ruins it for the rest of us. It's the whole …More
@Denis Efimov You are the prime example of the "Trad" Father Nix is referring to in this article and it ruins it for the rest of us. It's the whole reason we're trying to fight the bad impression being put out against Traditional Catholics and you are playing right into their hands. Calling Catholics and their publications who are going in the wrong direction "disgusting" and "toilet paper" is like trying to raise a child correctly by verbally abusing them. We know the truth, but they CAN'T SEE IT.
The whole idea is to bring them over (or back). It is NOT to stand on the spiritual high ground and spew venom at them, it's what these activists want, so they can use it against us in hate groups like "Trad Recovery" and websites like "Where Peter is". Read some of Mike Lewis' article.
Under Pope Francis, there is no clear line between “good” traditionalists and “radical” traditionalists. Contemporary traditionalists seem to think that “radicalism” is a matter of temperament, not belief. In …More
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Akita and the Fatima Secret (With Important Update on Visionary Sister Sasagawa) Fr. Elias Mary visited Sister Sasagawa at the Grove of the Owls Care home on April 17, 2023. His visit can be read in …More
Akita and the Fatima Secret (With Important Update on Visionary Sister Sasagawa)
Fr. Elias Mary visited Sister Sasagawa at the Grove of the Owls Care home on April 17, 2023. His visit can be read in the May/June edition of the Missio Immaculatae Magazine at May/June 2023 - Missio Immaculatae Magazine
Since then, it has come to light that Sister Sasagawa, as confirmed again on the 1st of April 2024, remains at the Grove of the Owls Care facility in Kumamoto, Japan. We urgently ask for people in Japan to speak with her. We inform our viewers of Sister Agnes' need for visitors as she has been isolated from the Catholic community, and her health is poor. Please pray for her, and we ask nearby Christians in Japan to support and visit Sister Sasagawa at the Grove of the Owls Care facility in Kumamoto.
This video was made in 2015 with Sister Agnes Sasagawa's participation and approval. This is the first time her voice has been heard since she was interviewed for the Hill of Redemption documentary …More
The Wandering Recluse
Sister Sasagawa was interviewed by a Franciscan friar right after her final apparition, and he ask her how many rosaries she said a day. She told him …More
Sister Sasagawa was interviewed by a Franciscan friar right after her final apparition, and he ask her how many rosaries she said a day. She told him "18 rosaries, and it is not enough". With Conchita in her seventies, and Sister Sasagawa appearing to have completed her mission here on earth, I find it hard to believe that things can go on much longer. I think a lot more people are going to wake up from their stupor after our "elections" this November.
Priest's DISTURBING Warning to Catholic Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and More Priest from the Franciscan Friars gives explosive sermon warning all catholics and especially the clergy to be on their …More
Priest's DISTURBING Warning to Catholic Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and More
Priest from the Franciscan Friars gives explosive sermon warning all catholics and especially the clergy to be on their guards against compromising the true faith of the gospel and becoming disciples of the devil!
Find more sermons @friarsofstfrancis7818
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📖 CATHOLIC CHILDREN'S BOOK! Apparitions of Holy Mother Mary: Five Heavenly Calls to Children! US LINK: Amazon.com Australia: amazon.com.au/dp/B0C9S7QGHW?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_NSD78DGV79Y4P3SH UK: Amazon.co.uk 📖End Times Spiritual Warfare: Essential Prayers and Sacramentals for Deliverance and Protection! US LINK: Amazon.com AUSTRALIA: amazon.com.au/dp/0645665215?_encoding …More
Debate: Did Benedict XVI Really Resign? Contenders: Dr. Ed Mazza and Matt Gaspers SourceMore
Debate: Did Benedict XVI Really Resign? Contenders: Dr. Ed Mazza and Matt Gaspers
Why isn't Gaspers on Catholic Family News any longer? I thought he had to leave over a health issue but would come back.
Carlus shares this
Papst Benedikt hat nur die Amtsgeschäfte niedergelegt, dazu wurde er gezwungen. Sas Amt als Papst hatte er bis zu seinem Tode beibehalten. Bergoglio …More
Papst Benedikt hat nur die Amtsgeschäfte niedergelegt, dazu wurde er gezwungen. Sas Amt als Papst hatte er bis zu seinem Tode beibehalten. Bergoglio wurde durch ein nicht rechtmäßiges Konklave mit Hilfe von Verschwörern gegen Papst und Kirche zum Amtsräuber. Er ist der freimaurerische Gegenpapst und als solcher durch den Amtsmissbrauch zum Falschen Propheten geworden.
1. jeder rechtmäßige Papst ist Prophet aus dem heraus die Heilige Katholische Kirche spricht, d.h. Gott der Heilige Geist.
2. aus dem Falschen Propheten spricht der Gegenpapst und Falsche Prophet.
Live Mike shares from steack

Bishop Vigano " these times of apostasy are no different from the times of the Passion, because the passio Christi of that time must necessarily be …

Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò QUIS EST ISTE REX GLORIÆ? Spiritual Conference on the Second Sunday of Passiontide or Palm Sunday Exsulta satis, filia Sion, jubila filia Jerusalem. Ecce Rex tuus venit tibi.More
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò
Spiritual Conference
on the Second Sunday of Passiontide
or Palm Sunday
Exsulta satis, filia Sion, jubila filia Jerusalem.
Ecce Rex tuus venit tibi.

Za 9, 12 The solemn celebrations of Holy Week begin with the triumphal entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem, hailed as King of Israel. The Holy Church, the people of the New and Eternal Covenant, makes her own the tribute of public honors to her Lord: Hi placuere tibi, placeat devotio nostra: Rex bone, Rex clemens, cui bona cuncta placent. [May they please Thee, may our devotion please Thee, O good King, O gracious King, who likes all that is good] However, as if to highlight how fickle and manipulable the multitude is, today we see the festive crowd with palm and olive branches, and a few days later we hear them cry out, “Crucify Him.” and send that same King to death on the scaffold reserved for slaves. It is not known to us whether those who welcomed with jubilation the Lord at the gates of …


What do Jorge Bergoglio and Mario Grech mean by saying that the Church is "constitutionally synodal"? It means that Bergoglio's "synodal church" is not constituted monarchically under the Petrine PRIMACY …More
What do Jorge Bergoglio and Mario Grech mean by saying that the Church is "constitutionally synodal"? It means that Bergoglio's "synodal church" is not constituted monarchically under the Petrine PRIMACY, but SYNODALLY like the synodality of the Orthodox churches. I have already cited in my writings where Bergoglio himself has declared that synodality is CONSTITUTIVE of the "synodal church". Already more than 50 years ago liberal Jesuits and other like minded heretically leaning modernists were writing about the "Sobornost" (i.e. synodality) of the Russian Orthodox as an alternative to the detested (by them) papal primacy. A "synodal church" is constituted not primatially as is the Catholic Church under the Petrine monarchy, but COLLEGIALLY, under the synods of bishops, as have been the Orthodox churches since their defection into schism and heresy. Since they do not acknowledge the Petrine primacy as constitutive of their churches, they embraced synodality as an alternative constitution …More
Thank God I listen to nothing Francis has to say. And that goes for all heretics in the Church
Louis IX
Did Christ give the keys to Peter to change what He established?
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Live Mike

Recognize & Resist devotees will follow Bergoglio like the Pied Piper of Hamelin to their ruin.

Eventually, they will be assimilated into his Synodal-False-church-of-Darkness because of their own gravely erroneous policy. Artist: Chris Rawlings |More
Eventually, they will be assimilated into his Synodal-False-church-of-Darkness because of their own gravely erroneous policy.
Artist: Chris Rawlings |
Recognize & Resist people include sedevacantists 58' that reject Holy Week and calendar changes by Pope Pius XII. A large part of them has outlived …More
Recognize & Resist people include sedevacantists 58' that reject Holy Week and calendar changes by Pope Pius XII. A large part of them has outlived Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla and Ratzinger. So, I am sure they will easily deal with Bergoglio.

How about we embrace self-evident truth with the Catholic policy, "Recognize and Reject" ?

“The very act of submission to the pretended authority of an openly heretical enemy of the Catholic faith [Jorge Bergoglio] constitutes per se an objectively grave act not only of indiscreet obedience …More
“The very act of submission to the pretended authority of an openly heretical enemy of the Catholic faith [Jorge Bergoglio] constitutes per se an objectively grave act not only of indiscreet obedience; but done in ignorance, constitutes an act of material schism as well. Thus, while the "Recognize and Resist" policy of Catholics towards the errant conciliar popes was morally justified from the time of the post-council up to the end of February 2013, when Pope Benedict went into what is increasingly seen to be a coerced retirement; it is no longer morally licit to adhere to it for so long as the heretical intruder (or another like him) remains in power, because it is morally wrong and schismatic to recognize and be subject to a manifestly formal heretic.” - Father Paul Kramer, "On the True and the False Pope: The Case against Bergoglio"
Slave of the Immaculata
And to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, una cum Francis, is the crime of capital schism per + Guerard de Laurier.
So when did the heresy become “formal”?
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Live Mike

The Coming Chastisement "Poor Canada"; Rome to Introduce New Theology; Coming Eclipse 8 April 2024; Freemasonry & Catholicism Irreconcilable

Latest Interview with Traditional Catholic Priest, 26 March 2024 The Coming Chastisement: Poor Canada! Rome to Introduce New Theology Interview With Fr. Paul KramerMore
Live Mike

The False Prophet, Forerunner of Antichrist described by Fr. Herman B. Kramer

“The False Prophet usurps the papal supremacy and resembles the Bishop of Rome. He poses as a lamb, a Christian, but his doctrines betray him, for he preaches the doctrines of the dragon. His dogmas …More
“The False Prophet usurps the papal supremacy and resembles the Bishop of Rome. He poses as a lamb, a Christian, but his doctrines betray him, for he preaches the doctrines of the dragon. His dogmas & morals will be of diabolical inspiration. It may be communism or plain idolatrous paganism [or both]; it will comprise emperor-worship [papolatry] and devil-worship [mother earth?] coupled with persecution of the true believers [Traditional Catholics]. They will know him at once as an impostor and will not be misled. He will be in league with the antichristian world-powers [Luciferian Globalists] and adopt their principles of government and civil law [Totalitarian New World Order]. He may declare it treason against the state to accept Christianity or the moral law of God. As Daniel writes, 'He shall think himself able to change times and laws [Synod on Synodality?].'”
“No fiercer enemy of God and man has appeared in Christian times than Communism, and strange to say, RED is its emblematic …More
The Wandering Recluse
I was in the process of writing something connected to this from the alleged apparition to Fr. Gobbi regarding Revelation. Interesting stuff.
Live Mike
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack. Putin Explains Who Runs ISIS (ISIL) and Why | Valdai Discussion Club, The World Order: New Rules or No Rules, Sochi, 22-24 October 2014 | English Transcript
Would cnn call that genocide?
Ludovic 2Nîm
At the same time, the American Embassy informed Russia as well as its citizens but Russian president accused them to blackmail them… it’s like Israel …More
At the same time, the American Embassy informed Russia as well as its citizens but Russian president accused them to blackmail them… it’s like Israel with the 7th October, they were warned but let it happens. Now Putin can recruit more easily soldiers for his war that should continue in France and in Italy according to prophecies from Beata Elena Aïello, Marie-Julie Jahenny and many others.
Putin also did it once for the 2nd war in Tchétchénia accusing Chechens for a terrorist attack while the FSB was involved. He’s the main beneficiary for this attack like Israel did. He first ensured himself to be reelected.
10 more comments
Live Mike
The Most Powerful Cinematic Movie Scene of all Time! Remington Olmsted, the Decurion, gave one of the greatest performances - as bit part - in the history of motion pictures. "This wordless encounter …More
The Most Powerful Cinematic Movie Scene of all Time!
Remington Olmsted, the Decurion, gave one of the greatest performances - as bit part - in the history of motion pictures. "This wordless encounter between Christ and the Decurion was nothing less than spellbinding, as the features on the Decurion’s face communicate bewilderment, shame and wonder as he has a totally unexpected encounter with the Divine. Whatever Olmsted was earning that day wasn’t nearly enough."
Love it!
The Wandering Recluse
Pre-Satanic Hollywood.
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“I believe the greatest thing a Catholic can gain from this apparition and the prophecies is a greater understanding of our times.” “We can better bear suffering that we understand, and the prophecies …More
“I believe the greatest thing a Catholic can gain from this apparition and the prophecies is a greater understanding of our times.” “We can better bear suffering that we understand, and the prophecies help explain the crisis of our times and offer great hope for the future. Like Fatima, Our Lady promises a complete victory of her Immaculate Heart and the full restoration of our Holy Church despite the suffering of these days.” - Dr. Marian T. Horvat, has spent almost 40 years studying the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success. She gave two free talks detailing Mary’s prophecies and hopes for our time on 24 February 2024 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Covington, LA, USA.
Editor's Note: These are Fully Approved Apparitions

SOLVED! Mysteries of Our Lady of Good Success Part I

Dr. Marian Horvat of Tradition In Action gave these talks at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Chapel on February 24th, 2024. The subject was the …
Live Mike
She warned, "The one at the helm of the ship would steer her off course." - Our Lady of Good Success
Our Lady of Good Success pray for us. Amen
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Live Mike shares from DefendTruth
Dr. McCullough Calls Out Trump for Being ‘Willfully Blind’ to Vaccine Injuries and Deaths “Our two major presidential candidates are the same on this issue. They are completely, willfully blind to …More
Dr. McCullough Calls Out Trump for Being ‘Willfully Blind’ to Vaccine Injuries and Deaths “Our two major presidential candidates are the same on this issue. They are completely, willfully blind to what’s happened to Americans. They’re focused on other issues outside of the health, the welfare, and actually the survival of their own people. The same is true worldwide.” “It [vaccine deaths] are grossly underreported, probably thirty to one. That means the total number of Americans who likely have passed away of the vaccine is about 550,000.”
Live Mike
Complete Livestream Video
Live Mike shares from ComplicitClergy
Must-See Discussion between Michael Hichborn and John Henry Westen on Corruption in the Catholic Church

WATCH: Hichborn and Westen Discuss Current Corruption in Catholic Church

Fields marked with an * are required HTML Complete the form below. When you press submit, an email will be automatically formatted …
Ivan Tomas
They are waking up. But how it is with good bishops and cardinals?! And, especially with their courage!?More
They are waking up. But how it is with good bishops and cardinals?!
And, especially with their courage!?
Live Mike
THE ETERNAL GIFT Traditional Latin Mass Explained, narration by Right Reverend Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, 1940 SourceMore
THE ETERNAL GIFT Traditional Latin Mass Explained, narration by Right Reverend Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, 1940
Live Mike
@V.R.S. Thank you, we can always count on you for a positive and uplifting comment. God bless you.
Msgr. Sheen was quick to abandon that "eternal gift" when the time had come.
One more comment
Live Mike

"A False pope, Antipope, Heretic Under Control of Satan"

"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist. [...] The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation." - Selected excerpts taken from Our Lady of La Salette's Secret to …More
"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist. [...] The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation." - Selected excerpts taken from Our Lady of La Salette's Secret to Mélanie Calvatin on 19 September 1846, November of 1878 Edition, (Approved apparition) Final version was sent to Pope Leo XIII & published in 1879 at Lecce, Italy, with the imprimatur & approbation of Bishop Salvatore Luigi Zola, C.R.L.?, the Bishop of Lecce
"The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism.” “Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall …
Thank you for putting together this great summary - helping us to have a picture of exactly what we are living through! Excellent!!
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
"Similis simili gauted!" One more time, just to be clear: "This figure apostatized the Catholic Faith from the time of his unfinished doctoral program …More
"Similis simili gauted!" One more time, just to be clear:
"This figure apostatized the Catholic Faith from the time of his unfinished doctoral program in Germany! So he couldn't, can't and never could be a valid Pope!"
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Live Mike
Response to Gaspers and Hall: No, Benedict Never Really Resigned - The Catholic Esquire, 23 February 2024 SourceMore
Response to Gaspers and Hall: No, Benedict Never Really Resigned - The Catholic Esquire, 23 February 2024
Live Mike

Benedict's Forecast: The Vantage Point of a Reader of the Undisclosed Words in The Secret of Fatima

"The need for a passion of the Church. It is sufferings of the Church that are announced [in the Secret of Fatima]. The Lord told us that the Church would constantly be suffering, in different ways,…More
"The need for a passion of the Church. It is sufferings of the Church that are announced [in the Secret of Fatima]. The Lord told us that the Church would constantly be suffering, in different ways, until the end of the world. As for the new things which we can find in this message today, there is also the fact that attacks on the Church come not only from without, but the sufferings of the Church come precisely from within the Church, from the sin existing within the Church. Today we are seeing it in a really terrifying way: that the greatest persecution of the Church comes not from her enemies without, but arises from sin within the Church." - 11 May 2010
"He deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded." - 13 May 2010
"As the Roman Empire was in decline. The disintegration of the key principles of law and of the fundamental moral attitudes underpinning them burst open the dams which until that time had protected peaceful coexistence among peoples …More
Worth a viewing - even if you don't agree with everything said - we are indeed undergoing the Passion of the Church - how could anyone miss this fact! …More
Worth a viewing - even if you don't agree with everything said - we are indeed undergoing the Passion of the Church - how could anyone miss this fact! Exploring the thesis of the ‘Ratzinger Code’: Did Pope Benedict fake his resignation?
He said ALL of that, and yet he ran like an Olympic Track gold medalist from the “wolves” just as he predicted in his inaugural homily, abandoning …More
He said ALL of that, and yet he ran like an Olympic Track gold medalist from the “wolves” just as he predicted in his inaugural homily, abandoning his Flock in the hour of its greatest, most desperate need.
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Live Mike