What is the current status of the Divine Will revelations in the Church?
4 pages
Maria delos Angeles
My view is that it is authentic.
Tony Smith
No sure, my opinion, keep away from them.

10 Inspiring Quotes from the REAL Mother Cabrini About Living a Holy Catholic Life in Jesus Christ

With the new film about Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini releasing on March 8, it's important to understand …
Excellent Homily!

A king who gave a wedding feast for his son

Listen to this episode from Fr. Ted Talk on Spotify.

President Trump vows to be a ‘CHAMPION’ for homeschool families in second term

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump has long been an advocate of school choice, and in a second term, he has promised to be …

From a 1917 Tract Against Women's Suffrage

The Divorce Evil and Woman Suffrage It may be argued that the increasing prevalence of divorce in Woman Suffrage States is due, not to the fact that women are in politics, but to the fact that these …More
The Divorce Evil and Woman Suffrage
It may be argued that the increasing prevalence of divorce in Woman Suffrage States is due, not to the fact that women are in politics, but to the fact that these States are inhabited by a comparatively unstable people, who hold the marriage bond much more lightly than their more conservative and perhaps more religious neighbors. Well, which horn of this dilemma do the suffragists want to take? Does Woman Suffrage increase divorce? Or Do none but unstable, radical peoples adopt Woman Suffrage? The fact is that both these questions should be answered in the affirmative. Woman Suffrage does increase divorce, because divorce has increased faster under Woman Suffrage than it did before; and only radical peoples, with comparatively elastic notions about marriage, adopt Woman Suffrage, because it has yet to be adopted by vote of the people in any State which has not proven an easy prey to Mormonism, Socialism and other radical doctrines. Vote “ NO” on Woman …More

Icon of Perfect Womanhood!

Listen Daily. Fiat!More
Listen Daily.

Divine Will Calendar Audio

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Read St John Chrysostom On Marriage & Family LifeMore
Read St John Chrysostom
On Marriage & Family Life

Homily 20 on Ephesians (Chrysostom)

Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, …

Home - Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Online

Holy week Spiritual Exercises We would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in the online spiritual exercises, in order to have a more profound …
Little Catechism of the Kingdom of the Divine Will by Father Pablo Martin.
62 pages
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you!

Perfect Chastity Is The Christian Ideal...

Even In Holy Matrimony.... “A Christian may therefore live in concord with his wife, whether with her providing for a fleshly craving, a thing which the apostle speaks by permission, not by commandment …More
Even In Holy Matrimony....
“A Christian may therefore live in concord with his wife, whether with her providing for a fleshly craving, a thing which the apostle speaks by permission, not by commandment; or providing for the procreation of children, which may be at present in some degree praiseworthy; or providing for a brotherly and sisterly fellowship, without any corporeal connection, having his wife as though he had her not, as is most excellent and sublime in the marriage of Christians: yet so that in her he hates the name of temporal relationship, and loves the hope of everlasting blessedness.”
St. Augustine of Hippo


What would you think about the structural engineer who rejected the absolute principles of the natural laws of physics when designing a bridge? Say his attitude was "those laws of physics are so yesterday …More
What would you think about the structural engineer who rejected the absolute principles of the natural laws of physics when designing a bridge? Say his attitude was "those laws of physics are so yesterday. They were discovered by racist white men in the middle ages. I say to engineers today 'resist!' 'you be you!' You design that bridge in whatever fashion suits you."
Would you want to cross that completed bridge?
What is more important a bridge or a family?
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C.S. Lewis gives an honest assessment of the TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC view of the carnal union, showing the clear CONTRAST between the TRADITIONAL and MODERN views. Most Christians (including so-called "…More
C.S. Lewis gives an honest assessment of the TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC view of the carnal union, showing the clear CONTRAST between the TRADITIONAL and MODERN views. Most Christians
(including so-called "traditionalists" )subscribe to the MODERN VIEW.

Medieval Thinking about Sexual Appetite & Romantic Love

Philosophy Lovers! Click Here Medieval Thinking about Sexual Appetite & Romantic Love [The following passage by C. S. Lewis is from “Courtly Love …
"Thomas Aquinas, whose thought is always so firm and clear in itself, is a baffling figure for our present purpose. He seems always to take away with …More
"Thomas Aquinas, whose thought is always so firm and clear in itself, is a baffling figure for our present purpose. He seems always to take away with one hand what he holds out to us with the other. Thus he has learned from Aristotle that marriage is a species of amicitia [friendship]. On the other hand, he proves that sexual life would have existed without the Fall by the argument that God would not have given Adam a woman as a “help” except for this purpose; for any other, a man would obviously have been so much more satisfactory. He is aware that affection between the parties concerned increases sexual pleasure, and that union even among the beasts implies a certain kindliness—suavem amicitiam—and thus seems to come to the verge of the modern conception of love. But the very passage in which he does so is his explanation of the law against incest: he is arguing that unions between close kinsfolk are bad precisely because kinsfolk have mutual affection, and such affection would increase …More
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Virginity- First and Last State of Man
9 pages
Revelations of the Immaculate Conceptions.
60 pages
Here is a PDF of the booklet.
48 pages
Thanks DG
To download, click "more" then "download."

Homily November 17th- Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer - From the Pulpit

Listen to this episode from From the Pulpit - Daily Homily on Spotify. 33th Thursday in Ordinary Time – November 17th, 2022 --- Fr. Nathaniel …
Sunday Mass Homily

Homily November 13th- Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer - From the Pulpit

Listen to this episode from From the Pulpit - Daily Homily on Spotify. 33th Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 13th, 2022 --- Fr. Nathaniel …

Original Woke Couple Revealed

After the Fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve become First "WOKE" Couple "Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did …More
After the Fall in the Garden of Eden,
Adam & Eve become First "WOKE" Couple

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it
your eyes will be opened, and you will [consider yourselves to] be like God, knowing good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise[in their own eyes], she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened..."
delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise!More
delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise!

St. Thomas: Marriage(ACT) is an "Indulgence" permitted to Fallen Man.

Question 49. The marriage goods Are certain goods necessary in order to excuse marriage? Article 1. Whether certain blessings are necessary in order to excuse marriage? Objection 1. It would seem that …More
Question 49. The marriage goods
Are certain goods necessary in order to excuse marriage?
Article 1. Whether certain blessings are necessary in order to excuse marriage?
Objection 1. It would seem that certain blessings are not necessary in order to excuse marriage. For just as the preservation of the individual which is effected by the nutritive power is intended by nature, so too is the preservation of the species which is effected by marriage; and indeed so much the more as the good of the species is better and more exalted than the good of the individual. But no goods are necessary to excuse the act of the nutritive power. Neither therefore are they necessary to excuse marriage.
Objection 2. Further, according to the Philosopher (Ethic. viii, 12) the friendship between husband and wife is natural, and includes the virtuous, the useful, and the pleasant. But that which is virtuous in itself needs no excuse. Therefore neither should any goods be assigned for the excuse of …More