
Hielo de un lago se mueve en contra casas

MSNBC News - Ukazalo wyraznie zywa akcje -lod doslownie szedl jak armia szaranczy- noc 2/3 stycznia 2000 w Chantilly,Va podobne zjawisko - 0 22.30 miast deszczu padaly linie lodu przeksztalcajac domy,schody,chodniki,ulice w istny wiek lodowcowy -Ice Age,wszystko bylo skute jakby zalane skorupa lodu. W Minnesocie oryginalne ujecie ukazalo kreski lodu idace jak zywe. Jest napisane w pismach,iz Bog …More
MSNBC News - Ukazalo wyraznie zywa akcje -lod doslownie szedl jak armia szaranczy- noc 2/3 stycznia 2000 w Chantilly,Va podobne zjawisko - 0 22.30 miast deszczu padaly linie lodu przeksztalcajac domy,schody,chodniki,ulice w istny wiek lodowcowy -Ice Age,wszystko bylo skute jakby zalane skorupa lodu. W Minnesocie oryginalne ujecie ukazalo kreski lodu idace jak zywe. Jest napisane w pismach,iz Bog jest w wietrze a Anioowie Panscy czynia deszcz i snieg,ktore Bog daje w odpowiedniej porze,by ziemia rodzila. Napoleona pod Moskwa i Hitlera pod Stalingradem nie pokonali Rosjanie,lecz wycofali sie pokonani przez Boga za posrednictwem natury.

Hielo de un lago se mueve en contra casas

Rodacy - MSNBC

If Jesus Was Alive Today He Would Be Muslim and Implement Sharia Law

Sharia Law = Judaic laws ( over 613 of them,all based on the sins of our forfathers -the lost children of Israel;derived from 278 points of Hamurabi Law - Satanic worship of tradition of Chaldeans followed by Abraham,whose belief on promise of God was counted to him as a righteouseness,yet in the hardness of his heart he had considered crimes comitted against one's wife as permitted - " but from …More
Sharia Law = Judaic laws ( over 613 of them,all based on the sins of our forfathers -the lost children of Israel;derived from 278 points of Hamurabi Law - Satanic worship of tradition of Chaldeans followed by Abraham,whose belief on promise of God was counted to him as a righteouseness,yet in the hardness of his heart he had considered crimes comitted against one's wife as permitted - " but from The Begining it was not so"- JESUS CHRIST ) re-written as hadiths ,permitting all the abominations ( including those involving catering to lusts of the flesh,incest,bestiality ,etc.,expressly FORBIDDEN by The One True God that revealed Himself in the Bible - walking and talking with and through the prophets of old Testament ( John the Baptist being The Last one and SINCE THEN The Kingdom of God had been PREACHED.Expressly FORBIDDEN even by the Jews horrified by the ABOMINATIONS COMITTED by our forfathers.

If Jesus Was Alive Today He Would Be Muslim and Implement Sharia Law

this Pole kept The Faith = Jesus Doctrine = Sermon on the Mount,Christ's Commandments

Stara Jania, Leśna Jania, Kopytkowo - Trąba powietrzna

Rodacy : dzien pozniej,w niedziele 15 lipca tuz przed wieczornym Angelus,oczekujac na stacji wezlowej autobusow miejskich w Reston,Virginia na polaczenie do Chantilly,obserwujac lejki tornado o wielokrotnie wiekszym nasileniu,powodujace iz ramie dzwigu budowlanego siegajacego do szczytu wiezowca bylo gwaltownie poruszane wiatrem;w obawie iz nasilenie wichury spowoduje runiecie calej machiny,nie …More
Rodacy : dzien pozniej,w niedziele 15 lipca tuz przed wieczornym Angelus,oczekujac na stacji wezlowej autobusow miejskich w Reston,Virginia na polaczenie do Chantilly,obserwujac lejki tornado o wielokrotnie wiekszym nasileniu,powodujace iz ramie dzwigu budowlanego siegajacego do szczytu wiezowca bylo gwaltownie poruszane wiatrem;w obawie iz nasilenie wichury spowoduje runiecie calej machiny,nie ruyszylam sie z miejsca tylko odmawialam sercem Aniol Panski zamykajac oczy;otwierajac je chwilowo by nie ignorowac kobiety ktora zwrocila sie do mnie z pytaniem - dzieki temu widzialam jak tornado rozwialo sie bez sladu;gdy poprosilam Chrystusa "Panie,prosze ,tylko delikatny deszcz" -nawet wiatr i deszcz ustal . Dziesiec minut pozniej o 18 ej delikatny deszcz zaczal padac,gdy zamknelam oczy odmawiajac w dziekczynieniu Aniol Panski. Deszcz ochlodzil atmosfere i calkiem ustal gdy autobus dojechal do Chantilly,zaswiecilo slonce na pogodnym blekicie;dopiero w nocy z poniedzialku na wtorek padalo rownie lagodnie. Tego niedzielnego popoludnia ,wracajac z Polskiej parafi w Maryland,na placu miedzy obeliskiem Waszyngtona a budynkiem Capitolu grupy mlodziezy graly w pilke,bylo mnostwo turystow z roznych stanow i krajow;nawet jadac metrem i autobusem widzilam na podworkach,boiskach szkolnych dzieci,mlodziez i doroslych grajacych w koszykowke,pilke nozna;na praystani autobusow wiaty nie dawaly zadnego schronienia,bo byly odkryte od strony nadciagajacego tornado. Nie szukajcie sensacji,tylko modlcie sie ,jak to Polacy czynili za dawnych,dobrych lat:" Od powietrza,wody,ognia, glodu i wojny zachowaj nas Panie!" Zwazcie tylko ten fakt,ze w Japonii,Anglii,Polsce,Teksasie powodzie a na terenie 26 stanow susze rekordowe w stuleciu,zamieniajace obszary rolne w pustynie,niweczace plody i pasze dla bydla.4 Lipca,w Swieto Niepodleglosci niesamowite upaly,"elektryczna " burza nad Chantilly - na widok ludzi spieszacych do samochodow,domow,westchnelam polglosem :'Panie,prosze,tylko delikatny deszcz" - wiatr dal,pioruny trzaskaly jakby za szklana sciana,strach bylo stac na schodach,zmuszona bylam zamknac drzwi i gdy wyjrzalam od strony balkonu zauwazylam przedziwne zjawisko - sciana burzy rozdzielona na poly jak Morze Czerwone,groza zwinieta jak zwoj,jasne niebo nad moim sasiedztwem Winding Brook.Tylko nawrocenie,pokuta,modlitwa i ufnosc w Chrystusa moze uratowac swiat. Niech Bog blogoslawi mej ojczyznie i chroni swiat tarca modlitw mych rodakow. alinagrace

Cardinal Wuerl's Continuing Crisis

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ : it is obvious that the Beast that spread it's darkness all over E.U. is raising it's ugly head reaching the shores of country of the North. Consider reporting not so long ago the words of The Holy Father Benedict XVI ,who stated "if the pope is unable to fulfill his duties he should resign from his office" - I had the feeling he was not referring to his state …More
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ : it is obvious that the Beast that spread it's darkness all over E.U. is raising it's ugly head reaching the shores of country of the North. Consider reporting not so long ago the words of The Holy Father Benedict XVI ,who stated "if the pope is unable to fulfill his duties he should resign from his office" - I had the feeling he was not referring to his state of health,but rather his freedom to excersize his authority as a Roman Pontiff and we all stood behind him and prayed for him. Let me remind you again that it was the Cardinal Wuerl,who launched the appeal for Lay evangelisation. Those are " the times ,when Wisdom will nowhere to be found" Christ was talking about. Consider the statement to one of the Bishops :" Thanks to your laws we will conquer you. Thanks to our religious laws we will enslave you." The secular powers trying to prevent it,insisting on "political correctness" are actually paving a wide road for the Antichrist.Just earlier today I had noticed on Catholic match one of the prez. men bragging about his "not religious,but secular spirituality;being catechist, a lector and adviser to clergy.You guessed it right : I reminded him about the good old times,when the priests were teaching catechism,reading The Word and explaining it in sermons.I explained to him that it is The Holy Spirit that is The Counselor,The Advocate ,The Helper. I had noticed a secular,media ( as everyone knows dominated by secular older brothers in faith and rainbow alliance) campaign to undermine Christianity.Our constitutional freedoms,basic human rights are being taken away,the hierarchy is powerless,their pastoral guidance disregarded under the quise of " seperation of state and religion",thus resulting in lack of religious freedom. Let us not remain silent, but support OUR SPIRITUAL LEADERS in our prayers and defending our Christian faith openly,giving testimony to The Living Word,as Cardinal Wuerl called us to do.

2012-03-31 pustelnia. źródł (publikowane za zgodą ks. Piotra)

Rodacy - Rachunek sumienia w swietle X Przykazan. Chrystus powiedzial " Idz i nie grzesz wiecej" i to-nawrocenie, jest koniecznym warunkiem odpuszczenia grzechow. Kaplani,ktorym na sercu lezy zbawianie dusz powinni mowic o tym otwarcie,by spowiedz byla oparta na szczerej pokucie.


Male wjasnienie na podstawie wlasnych doswiadczen: Bog daje wewnetrzne rozeznanie,"inner insights" a gdy jestesmy sklonni by slyszec Jego Glos i zyc wedle Jego Slowa,zwracajac sie don modlitwa serca,od Chrystusa oczekujac swiatlosci rozeznania i porady,jestesmy w stanie uslyszec wyrazny Glos Chrystysa,Matki Bozej w naszym sercu,bo tez jest ono siedziba naszej duszy a ta swiatynia Ducha Swietego,…More
Male wjasnienie na podstawie wlasnych doswiadczen: Bog daje wewnetrzne rozeznanie,"inner insights" a gdy jestesmy sklonni by slyszec Jego Glos i zyc wedle Jego Slowa,zwracajac sie don modlitwa serca,od Chrystusa oczekujac swiatlosci rozeznania i porady,jestesmy w stanie uslyszec wyrazny Glos Chrystysa,Matki Bozej w naszym sercu,bo tez jest ono siedziba naszej duszy a ta swiatynia Ducha Swietego,miejscem zamieszkania Trojcy Swietej.Pisze o tym byscie byli w stanie odroznic podszepty Zlego ducha,przelotne,natretne mysli majace na celu zagluszyc wewnetrzne swiatlo rozeznania dane przez Ducha Swietego.Bog mowi wyraznie,majestatycznie,jak Ojciec do dziecka,Nauczyciel do ucznia. Diabel szepcze natretnie.

Archdiocese of Washington reprimands priest for denying communion to a lesbian

" Fr Guarnizo's actions" declared "inapropiate" by Archdiocese of Washington - thus bowing under pressure of political correctness the Archdiocese takes on themselves the "sin abominable in the eyes of God" of which Fr Guarnizo's is not guilty by admonishing the sinner...

Ice Cream for Dessert

Proper response in the spirit of true Christian charity would be the grandson offering his ice cream to that embittered woman without a nasty comment. In summer of 1970 I participated in walking camp lead by our English teacher. As we came to city square of Kazimierz Dolny my classmates run to buy Italian ice cream cones and look at young gypsy fortune tellers. With few more days to go and the last …More
Proper response in the spirit of true Christian charity would be the grandson offering his ice cream to that embittered woman without a nasty comment. In summer of 1970 I participated in walking camp lead by our English teacher. As we came to city square of Kazimierz Dolny my classmates run to buy Italian ice cream cones and look at young gypsy fortune tellers. With few more days to go and the last two zloty in my pocket,thirsty and hungry as one can get on a hot summer day I decided to resist the temptation to buy cherry flavored soda or ice cream cone.It was then that I had noticed an old gypsy woman sitting on the edge of water fountain .I run over to the ice cream cart and spent the money I was saving to buy postage stamps to sent letters to my mom to get the Italian ice cream. When I gave it to the old woman she looked at me,got hold of my hand,looked at the palm of my hand and said that I will have two children and than she exclaimed :" Child,but in what great friendship with God will you live." Kazimierz Dolny with it's unique old townhomes before the horrors of WWII was a bustling city inhhabited by Jews to whom Polish king granted asylum from persecution.They perished in Nazi camps in nearby Auschwitz and Treblinka alongside the Roma gypsies,handicapped,politically incorrect ...

The silliest pro-abortion argument ever (is one you hear all the time

Psalm 119 is the only proper response to God just laws.The world's peace and security is based not on our self-reliance and political,military and governing bodies,but on our adherence to X Commandments with the only room allowed for freedom of expression in being able to excersize freely the Two greatest Commandments to :" Love God,Your Lord with your whole strength,with your whole soul ,with your …More
Psalm 119 is the only proper response to God just laws.The world's peace and security is based not on our self-reliance and political,military and governing bodies,but on our adherence to X Commandments with the only room allowed for freedom of expression in being able to excersize freely the Two greatest Commandments to :" Love God,Your Lord with your whole strength,with your whole soul ,with your whole heart and your fellow man as yourself" ,for as Jesus saaid:" On those two hangs the Law and the Prophets." And those Commandments are given to all of us,regardless of race, nationality,creed,denomination ,for we are all called to be God's children and we all shall be judged on how we had received His Living Word.

Muslims Converting Empty European Churches into Mosques

@louella : you may add scientific atheism and the lukewarmness of Catholics ,sins of the fathers and ignorance of the hierarchy to that receipe. With Christian evangelicals meeting in school and public buildings,opening the doors of the church buildings or even bequesting them to fellow Christians instead of selling them to the highest bidder would have been the only proper solution.We -the Church …More
@louella : you may add scientific atheism and the lukewarmness of Catholics ,sins of the fathers and ignorance of the hierarchy to that receipe. With Christian evangelicals meeting in school and public buildings,opening the doors of the church buildings or even bequesting them to fellow Christians instead of selling them to the highest bidder would have been the only proper solution.We -the Church ,generations of Catholics of yesteryear sacrificed,paid tites,build churches to worship the One True God ... and now we are to remain silent and take it in stride as the churches are used as colateral to satisfy sex abuse settlements and payouts just because in some seminaries the faculty members instead of teaching Catholic doctrine were emphesizing the "higher "thought of pagan philosophers and cathering to their own homosexual tendencies encouraging the idea of "the highest expresssion of love being that between pupil and the master" glorified the pagan minds of the Greeks and Romans ? Did it ever occur to them that the hipocracy of the pharisees Jesus was rebuking pales in comparison? ... and they themselves joined the ranks of pagans given to self vain glory and lusts of the flesh ? - those who woved celibacy and were to reveal to others the "mystery" of man being the temple of the Holy Spirit and in whose care the souls,the dwelling places of the Most Holy Trinity were given ? Of such as these Jesus said :" The LORD could no longer bear ,because of the evil of your doings,and because of the abominations which ye have committed;therefore is your land a desolation,and an astonishement,and a curse,without an inhabitant,as at this day.Because ye have burned incense ( Because of their wickedness they have committed to provoke Me to anger,in that they went to burn incense to worship ,and to serve other gods,whom they knew not,neither they,ye,nor your fathers.Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets,rising early and sending them,saying,Oh,do not this abominable thing that I hate.But they hearkened not,nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness,to burn incense to other gods),and because ye have sinned against the LORD,and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD,nor walked in his statues,nor in his testimonies;therefore this evil happened to you,as at this day." - Jeremiah 44. " And now,O ye priests,this commandment is for you:If ye will not hear and if ye will not lay i t to heart to give glory unto My Name,saith the Lord of hosts,I will even send a curse upon you ... Behold I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces..."Malachi 2

Martin Luther - The Pig of Hell! The Heretic Martin Luther accuses Jesus Christ (God) of Fornication …

@Veritas Vos Liberabit : Lech Walesa to Solidarity as Martin Luther and Reformation : both started with sober ,much needed reform and sold their conscience and soul to the devil in the end.

Martin Luther - The Pig of Hell! The Heretic Martin Luther accuses Jesus Christ (God) of Fornication …

@tbswv: I remember going into shock few years back,seing Martin Luther's book on the shelf of Basilica's Catholic book store without any warning sign as to his philosophy attached to it - as I opened the book at random my eyes fell on the sentence of Luther calling for dismantling of cloisters,monasteries and doing away with celibacy,mention was made about him marrying two nuns.

Ján Metod's Holy Mysteries of Initiation

"My Word is Spirit and Life and does not return to Me void unless It has fulfilled It's purpose." One shall be so blessed to have that profound Orthodox blessing calling on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in anticipation and joyfull hope of receiving all Christ's promises. freedomlives :thanks for sharing with all of us.

Communion in the Hand while Standing: What’s the problem?

"Familiarity breeds contempt" ... or total lack of reverence :just this past Sunday after the Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful at my local parish,one of the parishioners walked up to the priest and asked him for and hand to hand exchange was made - the parishioner put Body of Christ in his shirt pocket,after the final blessing as he was leaving the pew,he failed to kneel to take leave …More
"Familiarity breeds contempt" ... or total lack of reverence :just this past Sunday after the Holy Communion was distributed to the faithful at my local parish,one of the parishioners walked up to the priest and asked him for and hand to hand exchange was made - the parishioner put Body of Christ in his shirt pocket,after the final blessing as he was leaving the pew,he failed to kneel to take leave of the Real Presence,but he remembered to pat his chest pocket few times to ensure the Communion wafer did not fall out yet - the question is not about whether the parishioner himself was an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister himself,but rather the sad truth that it would not even occure to lay person to enter the Holy of Holies had the priesthood hold on to the fact that only the consecrated hands of the priests should touch the sacred species and it is part of the shepherd's of souls duty to visit the sick and give them the Holy Communion. The golden quote in the church's bulletin read:" The bed of the sick is the Altar of Sacrifice."Christ suffers with us,we just must take care that He would not suffer due to our irreverence.

German Priest Admits 280 Counts of Sexual Abuse

Priestly celibacy vows in mind,"the sexual orientation " should not even be an issue... if they were told and held up to conducting themselves in self awareness of being the temples of the Holy Spirit ,inclined to beheld fellow Christians as the dwellind place of the Holy Trinity.

German Priest Admits 280 Counts of Sexual Abuse

Andreas L. - representative of Holy Priesthood he is not. One would be more comfortable being inclined to assume he was a pedofile of such deprived mind that didn't consider it a grevious sin ,nor he felt the need to confess,thus it went unnoticed by his superiors. For the only other alternative is unthinkable -thus the need for emphasising the need of true r e p e n t a n c e and resolve to sin no …More
Andreas L. - representative of Holy Priesthood he is not. One would be more comfortable being inclined to assume he was a pedofile of such deprived mind that didn't consider it a grevious sin ,nor he felt the need to confess,thus it went unnoticed by his superiors. For the only other alternative is unthinkable -thus the need for emphasising the need of true r e p e n t a n c e and resolve to sin no more instead of abusing the sacrament of confession and making lightly excuses of fallen,weak nature. For of such Christ told,"It would have been better for you,if you had tied a miller's stone around your neck before you scandalized the little ones." Because when the question is about endengering innocence of even one child's soul ,there is no room for taking a chance or making excuses for abominable conduct of those entrusted with their care.The legacy of carnal minded Martin Luther raises it's ugly head once again. Oh,that the hierarchy will recognize the reality of all human beings called to be the Temple of the Living God - to realize it to such a degree to be aware that sinning in their own bodies they are violating the dwelling place of The Holy Trinity.For that reason Our Lord stated :" Whatsoever you had done to the least of Mine ( the unborn,the most vunerable among us,our fellow neighbor),you had done UNTO ME."

Islamic scholar: "Saying Merry Christmas Is Worse Than Fornication or Killing Someone"

@saudicatholic: share the good news:" Eternal Life is this:to know You,The One True God and Jesus Christ,Whom You had sent" ;"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by Word of God" ; "In the Begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ...and through Him all things came into being"; "God said:' Let there be light' "; " I AM the Light and the Life"; "I AM the Truth ,The Way and …More
@saudicatholic: share the good news:" Eternal Life is this:to know You,The One True God and Jesus Christ,Whom You had sent" ;"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by Word of God" ; "In the Begining was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ...and through Him all things came into being"; "God said:' Let there be light' "; " I AM the Light and the Life"; "I AM the Truth ,The Way and The Life.Nobody comes to the Father except through Me"; " I and the Father are One";"Only a little while longer is the Light with you.Till the Light is with you,believe in that Light ,so you may become the children of light and on such the Darkness has no power,nor can it overcome them. Till ye have that light walk in that light,for whosoever walks in Darkness knows not,where he is going.";"Beware of false prophets";" There is only One Name by which ye shall be saved.There is no name like Jesus Name"; "My Lord said to My Lord" ;" Let us create a man in Our Image and likeness"; "Who do YOU say that I AM ?" ; " I AM Who I AM"; " Tell them I AM sent you." - Jesus Christ,The Only Begotten Son,consubstantial with the Father ,Through Whom,in Whom and for Whose sake all things were created by the power of the Holy Spirit,One God.

"Andrea" sorgt für Schneegestöber

Orthodox White Christmas in Sedrun,Switzerland ...while in VA we had two days rest from cold and over night freezing temperatures -the biblical day ends at eve-now is back to freezing cold. Having spent Christmas in Fl I was "dreaming of a white Christmas...". Thanks for the heart warming view!