
Abortionist Kermit Gosnell trial is covered by a media blackout

The blood of precious babies cry out to God for justice.

Catholic teaching on marriage. by CNS on Mar 28, 2013

Thank you Irapuato for sharing this video. We must stand.

The Passion of the Christ - Crucifixion

The Beloved and Begotten of God giving His life for us.

The Easter Church (3/28/13) ChurchMilitantTV: Easter is a LOT more than we realized

Thank you Holyrope3 for your blest videos, inspiring us to press on in Christ our Lord.

Morning Prayer for Friday, March 29, 2013

Bless you Penitentis for your videos that brings our heart to worship our Lord.

Why We Celebrate New Years. We do not know the future, but we know Who Holds our future in His nail …

Dear frpope,
Bless you this new year and may the peace of God guide your heart as you minister to many. 😇

Merry Christmas from Jon McNaughton

What Glorious Magnificant Savior, bless you dear Holyrope3. 🤗

Saint Thérèse's Canticle of Love - Sr. Marie-Thérèse Sokol, OCD

Dear Irapuato,
What a blessing this video is to my heart. Thank you for your blest posts, for they bring rest to the weary.

Morning Prayer for Friday 7-20-12

Dear Penitentis,
How this post blesses my heart, I will praise Him for His Greatness and love. Thank you for your faithfulness to share these prayers.

Salers: Catholic charm of one of the most beautiful villages in France

So beautiful, bless you for this wonderful post.

I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked

Dear Gregory, brother in Christ, how Mary must have carried a wounded heart for Her Son, and for us. I am amazed because of the boundless love shown toward us. May I take up my cross and follow, sharing in His sufferings, that I may share His joys in the portals of heaven. Blessed Mother, pray for us, and may we follow you in all purity and holiness. Bless you Gregory for your blest posts.

Catholic Culture. 'Even the stones will cry out' .. ever wonder what that could mean?

Dear Holyrope3,
Thank you for the posts that lift the heart, and challange us to live in the pureness of Christ. Please pray for my sister as we have faced many trials. God is Faithful and true. Bless you.

Morning Prayer for Wednesday 7-18-12

Bless you Penitentis for this encouraging share.

Schönborn on Gay-attraction. EWTN-Video Cardinal Schönborn: his experience over many years is that …

Very well said, dear Rhemes1582. Mercy, Jesus.

911-Moans, Screams Heard From Botched Abortion Victim At Carhart's NE Clinic

Mercy, Lord Jesus. Thank you for this post dear Holyrope3.

Holy. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is …

Dear Rhemes1582,
May the Glory of Christ fill you always. May Mary, Queen of heaven hold up before our Lord, hearing your praise and prayers 😇

18th day of "Month of Mary", prayer book by Bl. Francisco Palau OCD

Glorious, bless you for this post.

In the Ascension of Christ, God Teaches Us how to Hope

Beautiful, bless you Father Worthley