Halleluja-Procession. Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth DayMore

Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth Day
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l'apres vatican 2 !More

l'apres vatican 2 !
Dieu nous bénisse,les missionnaires faisaient du bon travail,mais il sont de moins en moins,et pas beaucoup apprécié,car l'argent leurs manque et personnes ne le leur envoie, si l'état du vatican mais il est diretement intercepté par le gouvernement autochtone,pourtant combien d'organisaton garitative demand ela chariité , et personne n'y répond , alors que voulez-vous, nous avons une bonne …More
Dieu nous bénisse,les missionnaires faisaient du bon travail,mais il sont de moins en moins,et pas beaucoup apprécié,car l'argent leurs manque et personnes ne le leur envoie, si l'état du vatican mais il est diretement intercepté par le gouvernement autochtone,pourtant combien d'organisaton garitative demand ela chariité , et personne n'y répond , alors que voulez-vous, nous avons une bonne opportunité de faire cette charité et d'aider à porter La Bonne Parole , et même cela nous ne y " attardons " pas, alors, ne nous étonnons pas de ce qu'il se passen c'est de notre faute
🥴 En même temps, ce sont des nègres, donc...ce n'est peut-être pas irrespectueux pour eux. 🤨
Like Cardinal Arinze said: Dance in the Western World is to be utterly stricken from liturgical practice in the West because 'the dance' does not mean anything but pleasure (e.g. clubbing, raving culture = recreation). HOwever, in the East there are "many forms" of dance which must be stricken from the Liturgy BUT there are some forms of the dance which has profound meaning for the cultures of the …More
Like Cardinal Arinze said: Dance in the Western World is to be utterly stricken from liturgical practice in the West because 'the dance' does not mean anything but pleasure (e.g. clubbing, raving culture = recreation). HOwever, in the East there are "many forms" of dance which must be stricken from the Liturgy BUT there are some forms of the dance which has profound meaning for the cultures of the East.

Therefore, it is NOT our place, as Western Europeans, to judge the merits of a religious expression of a culture of which we have very little knowledge and understanding. Let us not fall into the childish position of "let's condemn all that we can't understand"..... " Have we not suffered enough as a people at the hands of this attitude to the 'other'? [just think of Hilter!]

Do go and study the problem at hand before you pronouce emotive condemnations!!! 🤫
C'est la messe, ça ?
C'est du super-modernisme, oui.More
C'est la messe, ça ?

C'est du super-modernisme, oui.
As a new convert to the Catholic faith, let me tell you all that I have resolved to only read material dated before Vatican II. I have done a little research now about how it has come about that Communism and Masonry and Zionism have joined to seduce the last generation's top theologians. Hell is waiting eagerly for another Pontiff to fall into flames.
Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before the LORD with abandon,
as he and all the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and to the sound of the horn. As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Saul's daughter Michal looked down through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart. (2 …More
Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before the LORD with abandon,
as he and all the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and to the sound of the horn. As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Saul's daughter Michal looked down through the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart. (2 Samuel 6:14-16)

Bless the Fiji Islanders for being like David, pray for those here like Michal
Just another doubtful mass with pagan trappings.
This is disgusting!More

This is disgusting!
This was beautiful. What a great example of how a measured amount of enculturation CAN be magnificent. I did not find it to be entertainment at all, but very reverent and moving.
Entertainment has no place in the Holy Mass. We've seen hindu dancers, gypsy dancers and now this. What next? The Mass is the Mass and should be celebrated with the utmost respect and reverence; and all minds should be on Christ and He Whom we are so blessed to be receiving. Entertainment or the likes of such conduct only removes one's contemplation and meditation on Christ.
zunächst einmal: es gibt keinen wechsel im gesichtsausdruck des heiligen vaters während der evangelienprozession - er sieht gesammelt und konzentriert aus und wird - wie es jeder tun sollte - innerlich beten, um sich auf das hören des evangeliums vorzubereiten.
als jemand, der recht nah bei der altarinsel mitfeiern durfte, kann ich bezeugen, dass die art der evangeliumsprozession sehr würdig war …More
zunächst einmal: es gibt keinen wechsel im gesichtsausdruck des heiligen vaters während der evangelienprozession - er sieht gesammelt und konzentriert aus und wird - wie es jeder tun sollte - innerlich beten, um sich auf das hören des evangeliums vorzubereiten.
als jemand, der recht nah bei der altarinsel mitfeiern durfte, kann ich bezeugen, dass die art der evangeliumsprozession sehr würdig war und die menschen angesprochen hat - auch wenn es für manche gewöhnungsbedürftig war.
ich finde die symbolik, die hier und in anderen zentralen feiern des wyd gefunden wurde, sehr passend: die völker der welt haben das evangelium empfangen und geben es weiter. noch faszinierender (und in der symbolik schlüssiger) war für mich die evangeliumsprozession beim eröffnungsgottesdienst, wo ein aboriginee gemeinsam mit dem diakon das evangeliar zum ambo hinaufgetragen hat.
What a horror......May God help his Holy Church to return to the rectitude and transcedence of the ages......They are debasing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into the depths of mere culturalism and entertainment. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and should be enshrined in a liturgy both otherworldly and sacred, instead of burying it in the midst of half naked dancers whose …More
What a horror......May God help his Holy Church to return to the rectitude and transcedence of the ages......They are debasing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into the depths of mere culturalism and entertainment. The Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and should be enshrined in a liturgy both otherworldly and sacred, instead of burying it in the midst of half naked dancers whose sensual gyrations fill anyone with a sense of modesty with disgust and horror.
This would be the sort of thing with which EWTN would have no problem.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by the way, has nothing to do with inculturation. But such is the sad state of Catholic thinking today.
Zat is quite correct. The entire WYD phenomenon is conceived in notions foreign to the Catholic church. It is a very unfortunate and harmful enterprise.
Our Lady of Sorrows, please pray for us. …More
This would be the sort of thing with which EWTN would have no problem.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by the way, has nothing to do with inculturation. But such is the sad state of Catholic thinking today.

Zat is quite correct. The entire WYD phenomenon is conceived in notions foreign to the Catholic church. It is a very unfortunate and harmful enterprise.

Our Lady of Sorrows, please pray for us.

jmj,needs to remember that in some cultures dancing, and signing are part of the faith....perhaps you would be better to read about the cultural customs of our brothers and sisters before you write such narrow minded things! Br. John Bartholomew.
that song makes me want to go out and hunt some wild game.
With destractions such as these we forget the real reason for the Mass!
To me the Pope looked like he was in pain to have to continue to watch this. He looked relieved when the New Testiment was handed over to the Deacon/Priest.
The Mass is NOT the place to dance and sing at. It is supposed to be a solumn worship of God. By allowing this to continue to happen what does it show the youth? That the …More
With destractions such as these we forget the real reason for the Mass!

To me the Pope looked like he was in pain to have to continue to watch this. He looked relieved when the New Testiment was handed over to the Deacon/Priest.

The Mass is NOT the place to dance and sing at. It is supposed to be a solumn worship of God. By allowing this to continue to happen what does it show the youth? That the Mass is nothing but entertainment to watch. No Mass is the place for something like this to happen reguardless if it is inside a Church or outside. If you want to sing and dance do it at home not at church.

If this had happened in a church at home with any kind of dancing I would have got up and left. Then reported it to the bishop.

Its because of these reasons that I hate to go on vacation and have to go to a different church because I never know what kind of horror I'll walk into on any given Sunday. I would rather go to confession saying that I left Mass early than deal with that.

This was not a self-reflective performance any more than singing the Ave Maria as an entrance hymn would be. And the dancers never entered the area around the Altar of Sacrifice. Come on! It was a reflection of the glory of God in His peoples as it is with all holy art and music. It may not be your cup of tea, but I found it to be one of the most beautiful and tasteful things I have ever witnessed …More
This was not a self-reflective performance any more than singing the Ave Maria as an entrance hymn would be. And the dancers never entered the area around the Altar of Sacrifice. Come on! It was a reflection of the glory of God in His peoples as it is with all holy art and music. It may not be your cup of tea, but I found it to be one of the most beautiful and tasteful things I have ever witnessed during a Holy Mass. I found it most uplifting and inspiring and by the look on Holy Father's face at 18 sec, I'd say he did as well.

tbhamdg, you and I have "met" and are friends. Why deny this obvious gift of love by an aboriginal people? These are not Hindus or Islamists who have no place here, these are Catholics. There was nothing self-serving in this ritual dance that accompanied the written Word of God. This was one of those rare instances where a cultural liturgical dance is appropriate. I was awestruck by the beauty of it all.

When an African seminarian visited me I nearly fainted at the sound of him singing songs of praise each morning. It was loud and screechy, and he laughed and danced along with it. To me it was undignified and profane and I was horrified. I saw him cry. To him, it was a prayer of joy in the Lord and nothing more. So it was also with this aboriginal dance. We don't need to like it, but we do need to at least recognize it for what it was and not vilify it beause it offended our personal sense of piety. Don't you think?
I think it is fine and appropriate. Catholicism is broad enough to include many cultures.
Awful stuff!