
Halleluja-Procession. Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth Day

This was not a self-reflective performance any more than singing the Ave Maria as an entrance hymn would be. And the dancers never entered the area around the Altar of Sacrifice. Come on! It was a reflection of the glory of God in His peoples as it is with all holy art and music. It may not be your cup of tea, but I found it to be one of the most beautiful and tasteful things I have ever witnessed …More
This was not a self-reflective performance any more than singing the Ave Maria as an entrance hymn would be. And the dancers never entered the area around the Altar of Sacrifice. Come on! It was a reflection of the glory of God in His peoples as it is with all holy art and music. It may not be your cup of tea, but I found it to be one of the most beautiful and tasteful things I have ever witnessed during a Holy Mass. I found it most uplifting and inspiring and by the look on Holy Father's face at 18 sec, I'd say he did as well.

tbhamdg, you and I have "met" and are friends. Why deny this obvious gift of love by an aboriginal people? These are not Hindus or Islamists who have no place here, these are Catholics. There was nothing self-serving in this ritual dance that accompanied the written Word of God. This was one of those rare instances where a cultural liturgical dance is appropriate. I was awestruck by the beauty of it all.

When an African seminarian visited me I nearly fainted at the sound of him singing songs of praise each morning. It was loud and screechy, and he laughed and danced along with it. To me it was undignified and profane and I was horrified. I saw him cry. To him, it was a prayer of joy in the Lord and nothing more. So it was also with this aboriginal dance. We don't need to like it, but we do need to at least recognize it for what it was and not vilify it beause it offended our personal sense of piety. Don't you think?

Halleluja-Procession. Dancers and seminarians of the Fiji Islands during the Final Mass of World Youth Day

No one is more orthodox a Catholic than myself. I can barely tolerate even the most reverent of Novus Ordo Masses, but I must say, this was a most beautiful gift of the native people whom God created. It is NOT Pagan when it is used to give glory to God in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. It was stunning! Had it been performed inside a church I would not have approved of it at all. But as it was, it …More
No one is more orthodox a Catholic than myself. I can barely tolerate even the most reverent of Novus Ordo Masses, but I must say, this was a most beautiful gift of the native people whom God created. It is NOT Pagan when it is used to give glory to God in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. It was stunning! Had it been performed inside a church I would not have approved of it at all. But as it was, it was outside, not within consecrated confines. I cannot think of a more magnificent gift to all of us from our Australian hosts than this magnificent display of love for Christ. So, stop the whining folks. Don't take offense, where obviously none was offered!