Time to Joan up! This is a a beautiful and heart warming piece about how we need to become brave like Joan of Arc,
Though this is about a Public Rosary planned for Parliament Hill tomorrow,
it is about so much more than that. We need Our Lady, and she needs us to step up to the plate and pray, resist, engage; love our God and one another.
This is our Lepanto; there is no turning back, or we'll be …More
Time to Joan up! This is a a beautiful and heart warming piece about how we need to become brave like Joan of Arc,

Though this is about a Public Rosary planned for Parliament Hill tomorrow,
it is about so much more than that. We need Our Lady, and she needs us to step up to the plate and pray, resist, engage; love our God and one another.

This is our Lepanto; there is no turning back, or we'll be under their boot.

St Joan of Arc Community

Canada's Lepanto Moment Greetings everyone, So, I've been in Kingston with visiting family this past week, and contemplating whether I should return early to trek on up to …
@Stronzo Santelli This post is about Canada, not the US and not Cdl. Cupich or covid masks. Quit hijacking other people's posts for the audience.
Jeffrey Ade
Or their St. Elmo moment, but you have to love their upbeat attitude!
Angelo Santelli
So Cupich, shutting down 105 parishes in his fiefdom, is saying boyz and girlz no longer need to wear depends briefs across their face.
Where do these candidate for ecclesial power come from? Chicago had another fool as Archbishop (name was Cody) some 40 years ago who was stealing money hand over fist with his inamorata.
Archdiocese of Chicago Shifts Course on School Mask MandateMore
So Cupich, shutting down 105 parishes in his fiefdom, is saying boyz and girlz no longer need to wear depends briefs across their face.

Where do these candidate for ecclesial power come from? Chicago had another fool as Archbishop (name was Cody) some 40 years ago who was stealing money hand over fist with his inamorata.

Archdiocese of Chicago Shifts Course on School Mask Mandate