The Divine Will: Is it Legitimate? Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar The Divine Will is spreading far and wide, but is it approved by the Church? What did Luisa Piccarreta say Jesus told her …More
The Divine Will: Is it Legitimate? Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar
The Divine Will is spreading far and wide, but is it approved by the Church? What did Luisa Piccarreta say Jesus told her and what was her role as a mystic? What are the 3 Fiats and the Age of Sanctification? Join Fr. Chris Alar and Daniel O'Connor as they explain this movement in the Church and answer many concerns.
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Excellent thanks. Imitate precisely the Virgin Mary and live in the Divine Will.
Daily IVE Homilies, December 15 2023 - The Conversion Of The Heart 00:00 Intro 00:20 Gospel 00:53 Homily Jesus said to the crowds: "To what shall I compare this generation? It is like children who sit …More
Daily IVE Homilies, December 15 2023 - The Conversion Of The Heart
00:00 Intro
00:20 Gospel
00:53 Homily
Jesus said to the crowds:
"To what shall I compare this generation?
It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another,
'We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.' For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, 'He is possessed by a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, 'Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is vindicated by her works." Mt 11:16-19 Friday of the Second Week of Advent The Daily IVE Homilies are homilies by our Priests at the Institute of The Incarnate Word (Instituto del Verbo Encarnado) based on the daily Gospel readings of the Catholic Church. The charism of the Institute of the Incarnate Word is the grace to know how to work concretely so as to extend the presence of Christ in families, education, the mass media,…More
We pray the Salve Regina often, but do we really consider what we are praying? It is saying Eve caused our misery and Mary(the New Eve) is our Sweet Hope. The modern world is dominated by poisonous "…More
We pray the Salve Regina often, but do we really consider what we are praying?
It is saying Eve caused our misery and Mary(the New Eve) is our Sweet Hope. The modern world is dominated by poisonous "daughters of Eve," rebellious, hauty, sensual, seductive, usurping the man's role, etc. Our laws and customs promote this diabolic disorder. Our Hope is Daughters of Mary, chiefly saintly Consecrated Women as well as saintly wives who aspire to model Our Lady (obedient, submissive, modest, keepers at home etc) and consecrated women as much as possible in their state of life. We must promote this Hope at every corner, by the Grace of GOD.
Isaiah 3:12
"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they that lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths."
Well, Ohio is the 7th State to Constitutionally enshrine the right to murder unborn children. Expect the other 43 States to follow. Even in the Redest of States, there is little chance of defeating a …More
Well, Ohio is the 7th State to Constitutionally enshrine the right to murder unborn children. Expect the other 43 States to follow. Even in the Redest of States, there is little chance of defeating a "simple majority" with the current legal scope of eligible voters. It is going to become very clear, very soon, why the Founding Fathers generally limited eligible voting to property owning men. There is little hope for MAGA without peeling back voting rights.
True Mass
The blood of the unborn. Truly we will be a remnant church.
Louis IX
I live in (probably) the furthest left neighborhood in the state and I’ve never seen such a close count in lawn signs. About 65-35 in favor as opposed …More
I live in (probably) the furthest left neighborhood in the state and I’ve never seen such a close count in lawn signs. About 65-35 in favor as opposed to the usual 95-5 for whatever leftist candidate is on the ballot. This result is surprising to say the least. My guess is the marijuana initiative brought out the usual class of voter committed to pleasure and self indulgence.
2 more comments
Marriage and the Jezebel Spirit Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, a Jezebel spirit roams about the world seeking to convince women to usurp authority within the family - take the …More
Marriage and the Jezebel Spirit
Since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, a Jezebel spirit roams about the world seeking to convince women to usurp authority within the family - take the scepter from the man – while an Ahab-like spirit infects countless men causing them to flee from responsibility - shrink from exercising their God-given authority. Granted that men and women are equal in their human dignity, God has brought order to this equality. Remember that Adam was created first and then came Eve. First the head of the family was created and then the helpmate - created from Adam's side making Eve the heart of the human family. But then came sin and with sin infection within the divine institution of marriage. The key to restoring marriage - the key to defeat the Jezebel spirit and the weakness of Ahab is found in St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians: Wives should be submissive to their husbands as if to the Lord because the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is …More
Yes: but don't overlook the command to the husband.... " love your wives as Christ Loved His Church" that means DIE FOR THEM.... so who has the harder …More
Yes: but don't overlook the command to the husband.... " love your wives as Christ Loved His Church" that means DIE FOR THEM.... so who has the harder role?
Excellent Homily!

A king who gave a wedding feast for his son

Listen to this episode from Fr. Ted Talk on Spotify.
Live Mike…3444/http:/ Is Luisa Piccarreta's "Kingdom of the Divine Will" Catholic? The purpose of this page …More…3444/http:/
Is Luisa Piccarreta's
"Kingdom of the Divine Will"

The purpose of this page is to provide information on the writings of Luisa Picaretta, with the intention of determining if the Kingdom of the Divine Will movement poses a threat to Catholics. The following spells out specific portions of Luisa's writings which appear to contradict Catholic teaching. A mailing list has been set up for discussion of these issues, and anyone who is interested in these issues (especially anyone who can address these issues) is encouraged to join.
A New Revelation?
Luisa states that what she has received is a new revelation, never before communicated to the Church, which is necessary for all the faithful to adhere to and understand if they hope to attain a new and higher level of beatitude which God desires for all his children.
Luisa claims to be the founder of a totally new dispensation, a new way of holiness, a new way of being …More

President Trump vows to be a ‘CHAMPION’ for homeschool families in second term

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump has long been an advocate of school choice, and in a second term, he has promised to be …
Rand Miller
I think you just insulted the CCP.
Eve hearkened to Satan, then Adam hearkened to Eve, thus, Original Sin. Eve ruled Adam. Adam was the first beta male. Satan employs the very same modus operandi today. Men(ideally virtuous) are to …More
Eve hearkened to Satan, then Adam hearkened to Eve, thus, Original Sin. Eve ruled Adam. Adam was the first beta male. Satan employs the very same modus operandi today. Men(ideally virtuous) are to govern; Church, homes, civil society, business etc. Women are essential help mates to this governing. We must begin to restore God's Natural Law. 🙏
Protestant vessel, but True message...
Hound of Heaven
As erudite a critique of this 'blockbuster' as any I have heard or read. He has done a service to shake us out of a stupor.
Brilliant analysis of the power of propaganda evidenced in the movie Barbie: the destruction of the role of motherhood, fatherhood;destruction of the …More
Brilliant analysis of the power of propaganda evidenced in the movie Barbie: the destruction of the role of motherhood, fatherhood;destruction of the family. Raising up of the icon of prostitution, of women rejecting men, and men women. He says the antidote to this blatant attack on the very underpinnings of our society is a return to God.
Modern Art
Fake Catholics-- on the "left" & the "right."
Ivan Tomas
God bless this young holy priest!

From a 1917 Tract Against Women's Suffrage

The Divorce Evil and Woman Suffrage It may be argued that the increasing prevalence of divorce in Woman Suffrage States is due, not to the fact that women are in politics, but to the fact that these …More
The Divorce Evil and Woman Suffrage
It may be argued that the increasing prevalence of divorce in Woman Suffrage States is due, not to the fact that women are in politics, but to the fact that these States are inhabited by a comparatively unstable people, who hold the marriage bond much more lightly than their more conservative and perhaps more religious neighbors. Well, which horn of this dilemma do the suffragists want to take? Does Woman Suffrage increase divorce? Or Do none but unstable, radical peoples adopt Woman Suffrage? The fact is that both these questions should be answered in the affirmative. Woman Suffrage does increase divorce, because divorce has increased faster under Woman Suffrage than it did before; and only radical peoples, with comparatively elastic notions about marriage, adopt Woman Suffrage, because it has yet to be adopted by vote of the people in any State which has not proven an easy prey to Mormonism, Socialism and other radical doctrines. Vote “ NO” on Woman …More
Arguably the Number One Enemy of GOD Fearing People in the World. (Powerful Global American Influence). “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding …More
Arguably the Number One Enemy of GOD Fearing People in the World. (Powerful Global American Influence).
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
Malki Tzedek
"He who has a why can endure any how." Nietzsche. Public education has lost its 'why' (or I should say it has been co-opted). It is not the notion of …More
"He who has a why can endure any how." Nietzsche. Public education has lost its 'why' (or I should say it has been co-opted). It is not the notion of public education which is wrong, its purpose (Neil Postman called it it's 'end') has been corrupted and thwarted by a government which has been similarly corrupted and thwarted by individuals who have no intention of following the noble experiment our forebears set for us as a society. Put more succinctly, a society bereft of God loses its why and it's how.
Defeat Modernism
Government education should be abolished
Critical Truth
Important Information
Important Information Demons Fear PatriarchyMore
Important Information
Demons Fear Patriarchy

Icon of Perfect Womanhood!