
Kapłan FSSPX pobity podczas protestu

God Bless you Father

Pope Francis' Dilemma. The Pope and the warring factions of the Church. Michael Voris

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud,blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,unholy, unloving, unforgiving,slanderers, without self control,brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,having a form of godliness but denying its power. AND …More
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud,blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful,unholy, unloving, unforgiving,slanderers, without self control,brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,having a form of godliness but denying its power. AND FROM SUCH PEOPLE TURN AWAY.

The Rich Man and Lazarus Short Version Luke 16:19-31

Very well done.

Be A Man! Bishops vs. Holy Priests


Pepe Cura Campanillas bailando por sevillanas


Die Höhle der heiligen Maria Magdalena in la Sainte-Baume


Nancy Pelosi urges S.F. archbishop to exit marriage march

Another one of Obamas puppets

Nancy Pelosi and David Gregory Talk about THE "RIGHT" of Abortion

"A women's health is in danger" , but let them murder their child that will help solve that problem. Your policies are responsible for the DEATHS of millions of innocent children.
how will you answer our dear LORD when he ask you why. I truly fell sorry for you and others who believe that they have the right to take their own child's life!!!!

"Our Lady at the Beginning of Salvation": Sermon by Fr Timothy Finigan. A Day With Mary

What a loving mother we have.
Thank you father 🤗More
What a loving mother we have.

Thank you father 🤗

Frankreich gegen die Sodomiten-"Ehe"

vive la france. Fight on my brothers. Greetings from Florida

On myje swój samochód. Deus ex machina?

👏 funny

Pelosi Defends Abortion. "As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me."

The Pharaoh and King Harold were amateurs to killing innocent children, compared to the supreme court. America will pay for this wicked practice. Lord have mercy.

Houston, We Have a Problem. Only Four Faithful Catholics left in Houston

Matthew 7-15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing , but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their FRUITS you will know them.

Biden Mourns Babies Killed By Guns, But Not Abortion

Woe to you that call evil good and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness:that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

Highway To Hell Robbery. Church MilitantTV (Feb 1, 2013) Something has got to change in the Church …

This one is extremely painful. How sad to be fleeced from our own. My family struggles to pay our bills and support our church. Parish after parish, school after school, close because of lack of funding. This is very unsettling! May God forgive them.

The Catholic University of America Rejects Gay Student Organization

You stood for Christ. He will stand for you. Proud of the university!

Pope acknowledges "bad fish" in Church

Five Non Negotables. 1.Abortion. 2.Euthanasia 3.Embryonic Stem Cell Research 4.Human Cloning 5.Homosexual Marriage It is a serious sin to deliberately ENDORSE or PROMOTE "ANY" of these Actions. Was this helpful Mr.Biden ???