
Psalm 139 - You Knit Me Together in My Mother's Womb

Sorry my wife posted the prior comment in my channel. Please excuse our ignorance. Bless you for your work is anointed and full.

Psalm 139 - You Knit Me Together in My Mother's Womb

The message and song is simply wonderful. Life at every stage is precious. My handicapped sister live with my husband and me, as my mother and father are with the Lord. She brings joy and compassion to our family in such a wonderful way. What a blessing she is for her heart is pure before God.
Thank you for the video.
In Christ,

Bring Me to the Cross. Lord, bring me to the cross in contrition, kneeling before You, as your blood …

This is just what I needed today. Thank you.

Psalm 22 Your love, eternal as Your Being, saw from everlasting, the cross of Calvary, yet You did …

Your heart is full of God's love as you demostrate through each video. Thank you and God bless.

My Heart is Filled. Our hearts are filled with the love of Jesus when we come to the foot of His cross …

God's care and love for us brings peace to my life. May God's blessing be with you.

Depth of Mercy. The depth of God's Mercy is fathomless and boundless

The depth of mercy that flows from the cross. We seek You, God, humbled before You. Beautiful, anointed post. Thank you.

Behold the Lamb. What wondrous love, that Christ should bear our sins, the Holy Lamb of God dies as …

Than Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world. What wonder in His love. Thank you for this video, just lovely.
In Him,

Iv'e Been Kissed by Jesus. What caring love the Lord shows His Children, His tender heart is full of …

Incredible song and imagery, who would not like this song? Oh, very well done.
Gossbrother 😇