Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

The former news agency published on May 1 a description of the U.S. Church written by a certain Tim Sullivan. Pay attention to the propagandistic tune of the article [corrected with the expressions in brackets]. Quotes.

• “Across the U.S., the Catholic Church is undergoing an immense shift. Generations of Catholics who embraced the modernising tide [=secularisation] sparked in the 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives [he means: people who love the Church] who believe [he means: who understand] the church has been twisted by change, with the promise of eternal salvation replaced by guitar Masses, parish-food and casual indifference to church doctrine.”

• “The shift, moulded by plummeting church attendance, increasingly traditional [=Catholic] priests and growing numbers of young Catholics searching for more orthodoxy, has reshaped parishes across the country, leaving them sometimes at odds with Francis and much of the [ex]-Catholic world.”

• “They often stand out in the pews, with the men in ties and the women sometimes with the lace head coverings that all but disappeared from American churches more than 50 years ago. Often, at least a couple families will arrive with four, five or even more children, signaling their adherence to the church’s ban on contraception, which most American [Ex-]Catholics have long casually ignored.”

• “They attend confession regularly and adhere strictly to church teachings. Many yearn for Masses that echo with medieval [=Catholic] traditions – more Latin, more incense more Gregorian chants.”

• “You can find this new [he means: Catholic] vision of Catholic America at Latin Masses in Milwaukee, the pews crowded with worshippers even at noon on a weekday.”

Picture: © badgercatholic , CC BY-NC-ND, #newsKwnqdywoox

Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
"The progressive priests who dominated the U.S. church in the years after Vatican II are now in their 70s and 80s. Many are retired. Some are dead. Younger priests, surveys show, are far more conservative."
Paul vi changed formula consecrating bishop think about it
Jeffrey Ade
@john333 I was thinking the same thing! You can be as conservative as you like, but with out Holy Orders we become simply pious men! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
P. O'B
The news agencies are stupid, but this is good news anyway. Now if monster Francis would only die (but repent first.) And if the Church would un-canonize Paul VI...
Ursula Sankt
AP mixes traditional Catholics with conservative Catholicism (EWTN,...) that mixed with Evangelicals.
Dr Bobus
Rembert Weak (land . . . brain) used diocesan money to support his boyfriend (or buy his silence). Immoral--but not illegal under US law
@Dr Bobus I remember well. Rembert Weakland and Archbishop Cousins mentioned in the Milwaukee Journal Archdiocese of Milwaukee removes names of Cousins, Weakland from headquarters and cathedral
James Manning
They're starting to be afraid. Good.
John A Cassani
The fact that there are Trads in Milwaukee has to really bother the modernists. After all, the late Rembert Weakland was instrumental in the development of the new mass, right along with Bugnini.
Novena - Oremus
Source: 'A step back in time': America's Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways
Funny to illustrate a story called “a step back in time” with a shot inside St. Benedict’s Abbey (Atchison, Ks), which is not trad at all, but is probably from the 60s and has a ceiling that looks like it is made of Lego.