Boston pastor praised by Cardinal O’Malley puts Holy Family on par with homosexual couples

The pastor of St. Catherine of Siena parish in Norwood, MA, Msgr. Paul Garrity, published a letter in his bulletin last weekend that puts the Holy Family at parity with families that have two mothers and two fathers. Incidentally, Cardinal O’Malley had commended this same pastor months earlier for his focus on promoting Catholic education.

Heresy by the pastor and insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Family
The letter from Msgr. Garrity opens by talking about how he felt that early TV shows such as “Leave It To Beaver” and “The Ozzie and Harriet Show depicted family life in an unrealistically idyllic way. Then he talks about how difficult and different family life must have been for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Here is where he goes off the rails:
It is very easy to forget that Mary would have been an unwed mother were it not for Joseph. It is also easy to forget that Joseph was not the natural father of Jesus but became his foster father and protector, along with his new bride Mary. And the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus should fill us all with a deep respect and empathy for the poor and unwed mothers of our day. Taken all together, the first family of Christianity reminds us that there is no such thing as normal. Every family is different and this means that we need to broaden our understanding of family life beyond TV sitcoms and applaud the virtues of family living wherever we find them: two parent families, single parent families, blended families, families with two mommies or two daddies and adoptive families. What is most important is that we continually hold up the family as the instrument that God has chosen to communicate God’s unconditional love to the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society.