Rasmussen Reports: 77% Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead

Rasmussen Reports: 77% Believe Jesus Rose From the Dead

Rasmussen polled 1,000 adults between April 3-4 on various Easter-related topics, and found some interesting results.
They asked:

1. Do you consider Easter to be one of our nation’s most important holidays, least important holidays or somewhere in between?
2. Will you attend a church service to celebrate Easter this year?
3. Will you have a family meal to celebrate Easter?
4. Will you or your family have an Easter egg hunt for Easter this year?
5. Do you believe the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth about 2000 years ago?
6. Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who came to Earth to die for our sins?
7. Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

With a margin of error +/- 3%, Rasmussen found “Americans’ belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ remains strong.”
86% of American adults believe that Jesus Christ walked the Earth 2,000 years ago, while just seven percent (7%) don’t share this belief.

Furthermore, 77% of those polled believe Jesus rose from the dead. This is only a percentage point lower (within the margin of error) than in 2011 and 2010, when 78% espoused the same belief.

Rasmussen claims a 95% level of confidence in their report.
How would you answer Rasmussen’s questions?