Sean Johnson

+Huondor in Final Agony

Last year, the SSPX caused tremendous scandal in its pursuit of a practical accord with modernist Rome, when it requested the retired conciliar +Vitus Huonder to “consecrate” (?) holy oils for SSPX use at the chrism Mass (the issue being that +Huonder, himself was consecrated with the slightly doubtful 1968 new rite of episcopal consecration, thereby casting a slight shadow over the validity of the oils consecrated), causing some of the German and French SSPX Nicodemus’s to obtain certainly valid holy oils from +Faure of the Resistance.

The SSPX has thereby begun preparing the terrain for eventual incorporation into the pluralist conciliar pantheon by acclimating its faithful to collaborating with questionably valid conciliar clergy (eg., In addition to using +Huonder for Masses, confessions, and holy oils in Europe, it also staffs some of its African chapels with priests of the Institute of Christ the King).

Now this news breaks:

“Bishop Vitus Huonder was again to have consecrated the holy oils at Zaitskofen this year, but was taken into hospital shortly beforehand.

He has now been given the last rites in hospital. The SSPX in Germany are now requesting prayers for him:

Quote:Gebetsanliegen für Bischof Huonder

Bischof Vitus Huonder hat gestern um 19.15 Uhr die Sterbesakramente empfangen. Es sieht menschlich so aus, als ob es bald mit ihm zu Ende geht und er leidet sehr. Darum bitte ich Sie sehr um das Gebet für ihn.

[“Bishop Vitus Huonder received the last rites yesterday at 7.15 pm. From a human point of view, it looks as if his life will soon come to an end and he is suffering greatly. I therefore ask you to pray for him.”]

Ihr Pater Trutt”

(From the Munich priory.)

Bishop Huonder is Dying - Prayers
Sean Johnson
Liam Ronan