Abadía de Einsiedeln, Suiza. by renedulac on Jun 28, 2009More
Abadía de Einsiedeln, Suiza.

by renedulac on Jun 28, 2009
😇 Merry Christmas, Father Abramo!
A very beautiful place. Unfortunately the benedictin monks there are not much to write home about.
Let us hope that 🙏 will help...More
A very beautiful place. Unfortunately the benedictin monks there are not much to write home about.

Let us hope that 🙏 will help...
The Shrine of Our Lady of Einsiedeln is an important Catholic shrine in the village of Einsiedeln, which is about 20 miles southeast of Zürich in Switzerland.
The famous shrine incorporates the relics of a saint, a miraculous Black Madonna statue, and a Benedictine monastery. The village is also home to the world's largest nativity scene, the Diorama Bethlehem.
In the 9th century, the monk …More
The Shrine of Our Lady of Einsiedeln is an important Catholic shrine in the village of Einsiedeln, which is about 20 miles southeast of Zürich in Switzerland.
The famous shrine incorporates the relics of a saint, a miraculous Black Madonna statue, and a Benedictine monastery. The village is also home to the world's largest nativity scene, the Diorama Bethlehem.
In the 9th century, the monk St. Meinrad, of the family of the Counts of Hohenzollern, left one of the local monasteries to built a hermitage in the wilderness that would later become Einsiedeln. He took with him a miracle-working statue of the Virgin Mary given to him by the Abbess Hildegarde of Zürich. He soon became well-known in the local village for his kindness and holiness, and received many visitors and gifts.
On January 21, 861, two thieves murdered Meinrad for the treasure in his hermitage. According to legend, the murderers were apprehended after two ravens followed them into town and drew attention to them with loud squawking.
In 940, a small group of Benedictine monks transformed Meinrad's little hermitage into the Lady Chapel. The chapel is said to have been consecrated by Christ himself on September 14, 948. The bishop who was to consecrate the new site had a vision in which the church was filled with a brilliant light as Christ approached the altar; the next day, when he went to perform the ceremony, he heard a voice saying the chapel had already been divinely consecrated. The miracle was confirmed by Pope Leo VIII 16 years later in a papal bull.
St. Meinrad had the Black Madonna statue (its dark color traditionally explained by years of candle smoke) as part of his altarpiece; after his death it was placed in the Lady Chapel for veneration. Many miracles were attributed to the intercession of "Our Lady of Einsiedeln," and pilgrimages to Einsiedeln began shortly after 1000 AD. Throughout the Middle Ages, as many as 50,000 pilgrims streamed into the monastery each week.
Since 1620 the Benedictine abbey of Einsiedeln has had a school of theology for its own clerics, those of other abbeys, and students training to become priests. The small school has had 30 students at the most at one time.
Despite temporary setbacks to the pilgrimage tradition during the Reformation and especially the major destruction during the French Revolution, Einsiedeln continues to receive pilgrims - about 200,000 each year.
What to See
The abbey church at Einsiedeln is a majestic baroque edifice with elaborately decorated pastel ceilings, many marble side altars, and a large high altar in the east end. The interior is a typically baroque feast for the eyes, in gleaming white with elaborate gold and pastel decoration.
The most important part of the basilica is the Lady Chapel, near the entrance in the west end. The Lady Chapel is a free-standing, square marble edifice that recalls the shelter over Christ's tomb in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was destroyed in 1798 by French invaders and rebuilt in 1817. Above the chapel's altar is the Black Madonna, resplendent in rich robes and surrounded by gold clouds. Many services take place here each day.
The vast Benedictine monastery that stretches to either side of the basilica is still thriving and is known for its tradition of sacred music, especially the occasional Orchestral Masses. Each day, the Mass and Liturgy of the Hours are sung by the monks in Gregorian chant.
A short walk from the abbey is the world's largest nativity scene, the Diorama Bethlehem, with more than 500 carved wooden figures, and the justifiably famous Panorama, a circular painting more than 300 feet long and 30 feet high depicting Jerusalem and the Crucifixion. Open from Easter to the end of October, they have narrative explanations in five languages.
The pilgrimage season at Einsiedeln runs from Easter to Rosary Sunday (the first Sunday in October). Major pilgrimage days to Einsiedeln include:
Feast of the Miraculous Consecration (September 14) - celebrated with illumination of the chapel, the church and the abbey façade by thousands of candles
Feast of Our Lady of Einsiedeln (first Sunday after July 16)
Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady (September 8)
Feast of the Assumption (August 15)
Feast of the Ascension (May 8)
Before entering the church, pilgrims usually stop at the fountain fed by St. Meinrad's spring to drink from each of the 14 spouts. After visiting the Lady Chapel inside, the Stations of the Cross can be followed on a well-marked forest path up to the top of Mt. Meinrad.
Every five years, Einsiedeln hosts the production of the religious drama "The Great Theater of the World," in which more than 600 villagers participate. The last one was in 2007.
Getting There
Einsiedeln is located about 20 miles SE of Zürich and about three miles off highway 8 between Schwyz and Rapperswil.
There are direct trains to Einsiedeln from Zürich via Wadenswil, from St. Gallen via Rapperswil, and from Lucerne via Arth-Goldau. From the train station, walk up the main street, Hauptstrasse, to the monastery at the end of the street (about a 10-minute walk).
By car from Zürich, take the A3 eastbound (towards Chur) past Wadenswil to the exit for Einsiedeln and Schwyz. Turning south, go four miles to the Biberbrugg crossroads, and turn left.
Quick Facts
Site Information
Einsiedeln; Shrine of Our Lady of Einsiedeln; Kloster Einsiedeln
Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
Virgin Mary
Catholic Shrines; Abbeys & Monasteries
Miraculous Image
Photo gallery:
Einsiedeln Photo Gallery
Visitor Information
8840 Eisiedeln, Switzerland
47.126973° N, 8.75164° E (view on Google Maps)
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Vespers at 4:30 PM, followed by singing of the Salve Regina;
Organ recitals every Tuesday in July and August at 8:15 PM

Nuestra Señora en el corazón de Suiza
Cantón de Schwyz-Suiza
(Bello e impresionante lugar de peregrinación)

El monasterio benedictino de Einsiedeln es el mejor ejemplo del barroco en Suiza, el punto principal de peregrinaje en el país y el origen de la ciudad cuyo nombre se deriva de la palabra en alemán, "einsiedler": eremita.
La guía de turismo de Einsiedeln, Gertrud Oggenfuss, nos …More
Nuestra Señora en el corazón de Suiza
Cantón de Schwyz-Suiza
(Bello e impresionante lugar de peregrinación)

El monasterio benedictino de Einsiedeln es el mejor ejemplo del barroco en Suiza, el punto principal de peregrinaje en el país y el origen de la ciudad cuyo nombre se deriva de la palabra en alemán, "einsiedler": eremita.
La guía de turismo de Einsiedeln, Gertrud Oggenfuss, nos introduce a la iglesia abacial, testimonio vivo de fe y legado artístico de gran belleza en esa ciudad del cantón de Schwyz.
Viajar hacia Einsiedeln resulta un placer, gracias a los excelentes caminos y rutas férreas de Suiza y ese paisaje helvético enmarcado por el lago de Zúrich y las verdes llanuras -en invierno bañadas de nieve-, por las que se asciende de Wädenswil a la sede del monasterio benedictino.
Apenas a 50 minutos en tren de Zúrich, esta ciudad, con sus 12.000 habitantes, aún conserva su sabor a provincia.
De la estación de tren local se llega a pie en cinco minutos a la plaza del monasterio benedictino, origen de este asentamiento del cantón de Schwyz, en la región central de Suiza.
Una escalinata conduce a la Abadía de Einsiedeln. A nuestro paso, las campanadas marcando la hora en punto nos reciben, acentuando, solemnes, la importancia cultural, arquitectónica y religiosa del recinto.
Se trata del punto principal de peregrinación en Suiza.
En días de peregrinación, en días festivos, esta plaza se llena de miles de fieles. La comunidad más numerosa es la portuguesa. También la española llega para bailarle a la virgen negra, patrona de Einsiedeln.
"Miles y miles de peregrinos vienen aquí. Por ejemplo, cuando vienen los portugueses son como 6.000 personas. La gente viene desde hace siglos", asienta Gertrud Oggenfuss, guía en español de la Oficina de Turismo de Einsiedeln.
Oggenfuss inicia allí, en la plaza, su descripción sobre la edificación religiosa ante nuestros ojos, la sexta en la historia milenaria del monasterio.
"Estamos delante de este convento benedictino. Este edificio lo han comenzado en 1704. Han derrumbando el edificio gótico anterior y han construido un edifico barroco. En el año 1735 lo terminaron y unos años más tarde se hizo la plaza. Es un conjunto muy barroco, en 50 años han construido todo."
El ejemplo más significativo del barroco en Suiza. El exterior es solemne y austero comparado con la rica decoración que nos espera en la iglesia de La Asunción de María.

Webcam en Einsiedeln
