The Koran tells us Jesus is bigger than all the prophets... MOUSSA KONE’S TESTIMONY My name is Moussa Koné, I am Ibrahim Koné’s son who is an Imam in Abidjan. I have always been zealous about everything …More
The Koran tells us Jesus is bigger than all the prophets...
My name is Moussa Koné, I am Ibrahim Koné’s son
who is an Imam in Abidjan. I have always been zealous about everything about God. At the age of 14 I had converted all my surroundings into Islam and I did the readings at Mosque.
But I kept thinking about one question: would I be saved? Would I go to paradise ou hell? What are the conditions to go to paradise? I asked my father these questions. My father was a sincere and honest believer. He replied he didn’t know. As I was keen on getting an answer I looked it up in the Koran:
-Sura 100 verses 6, 7,8 says that man is a sinner.
Sura 101 verses 6, 7, 8, 9 talks about a scale on which all our works will be measured.
- Sura Il verse 119, says that men and the wise will all go to hell.
-In sura 19 verse 71, it is written that men will go through hell.
All these answers led me into confusion. I had no assurance about my salvation. Later on, I left as a navy on …More
Bible contains those verses about killing too.. Leviticus 20 9 Hence: "Anyone who curses father or mother will be put to death. Having cursed father …More
Bible contains those verses about killing too..
Leviticus 20
9 Hence: "Anyone who curses father or mother will be put to death. Having cursed father or mother, the blood will be on that person's own head.
"Anyone who curses his God will bear the consequences of his sin,
16 and anyone who blasphemes the name of Yahweh will be put to death; the whole community will stone him; be he alien or native-born, if he blasphemes the Name, he will be put to death.
17 "Anyone who strikes down any other human being will be put to death.
18 "Anyone who strikes down an animal will make restitution for it: a life for a life. 19 "Anyone who injures a neighbour shall receive the same in return, 20 broken limb for broken limb, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As the injury inflicted, so will be the injury suffered. 21 Whoever strikes down an animal will make restitution for it, and whoever strikes down a human being will be put to death. 22 The sentence you pass will be the same, whether …More
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands …More
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah
[disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"
I'll take the bible... thanks. 😇
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Má papež autoritu změnit ritus? Má papež autoritu změnit ritus? Pavel VI. (1963-1978) - první papež v dějinách, který si osoboval právo změnit ritus. Mons. Klaus Gamber Na základě toho, co bylo …More
Má papež autoritu změnit ritus?
Má papež autoritu změnit ritus?
Pavel VI. (1963-1978) - první papež v dějinách, který si osoboval právo změnit ritus.
Mons. Klaus Gamber
Na základě toho, co bylo dosud řečeno [v předchozí části knihy, pozn. překl.], je nyní nutné poskytnout odpověď na tuto otázku. Aby to bylo možné, musíme nejdříve podat jasnou definici termínu ritus. Ritus může být definován jako soubor závazných forem liturgického kultu, jejichž vznik je vposledku spojen s Kristem, poté se na základě sdílených tradic nezávisle vyvíjely a nakonec byly schváleny církevní heirarchií. Na základě této definice se můžeme zabývat následujícími premisami:
1. Pokud předpokládáme, že liturgický ritus se vyvinul na základě sdílených tradic (a nikdo, kdo alespoň trochu zná hitorii liturgie, to nebude popírat), pak nemůže být vytvořen najednou jako celek.
Dokonce i v raných etapách vývoje nebyly formy křesťanské bohoslužby úplně nové. S tím, jak prvotní Církev postupně vyšla ze synagogy, zrovna tak …
Samozrejme, že môže, ved je zástupca Ježiša na zemi 😇
Edith Stein letter to Pope Pius XI. The philosopher Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein at the time) took her last breath in Auschwitz concentration camp seventy years ago. Born to a Jewish …More
Edith Stein letter to Pope Pius XI.
The philosopher Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein at the time) took her last breath in Auschwitz concentration camp seventy years ago. Born to a Jewish family, she was baptised and entered the monastery of the Carmelite Sisters of Cologne. In 1939 she was in Carmel of Echt in the Netherlands and was captured in 1942 during the Nazi searches which were acrried out after a letter was sent denouncing the deportations. The letter had been signed by Dutch Catholic bishops and read out in all churches. Up until then, the Nazis had spared baptised Jews: about three hundred clerics of Jewish origin were captured.
In an article published by the Italian religious news service (SIR), Cristiana Dobner recalled that journalist Van Kempen managed to contact her in the sorting camp, noting that the woman was “spiritually great and strong.” She had no intentions of escaping and did not wish to be treated any differently to other Jews. “She told me: - I would …More
3 pages
www.svetkrestanstva.sk/…/pred-70-rokmi-v… Všetko čo sa stalo a čo sa denne deje, vychádza od vlády, ktorá so volá ,,kresťanská!". Týždne očakávame …More
Všetko čo sa stalo a čo sa denne deje, vychádza od vlády, ktorá so volá ,,kresťanská!".
Týždne očakávame a dúfame , nielen Židia, ale tisícky katolíkov v Nemecku, a myslím že na celom svete-, že Kristova cirkev zodvihne svoj hlas, aby zastavil zneužívanie Kristovho mena..

toto nie ú slová Jozefa Banáša v jeho bulvarno heretickej knihe
ale slova sv Terezie Benedikty z kríža...z čias vlády hitlera
aké nadčasové 🙄
Šlabikár s rozvodom pobúril, minister ho dá preveriť. „Prirodzenou rodinou je muž, žena a deti. Deti by nemali vyrastať v tom, že rozvody sú v poriadku, niečo normálne,“ vraví hovorca konferencie …More
Šlabikár s rozvodom pobúril, minister ho dá preveriť.
„Prirodzenou rodinou je muž, žena a deti. Deti by nemali vyrastať v tom, že rozvody sú v poriadku, niečo normálne,“ vraví hovorca konferencie Jozef Kováčik.
Prečo by nemali deti čítať o chlapcovi z neúplnej rodiny, keď takých majú aj spolužiakov?
„Teraz začneme vkladať do šlabikára aj vraždy, lebo sú súčasťou života?“ pýta sa Kováčik.
4 pages
Nebezpečná sekta alebo kresťanské spoločenstvo Milosť. Dnes do povedomia ľudí čoraz väčšmi preniká výrazne misijne orientované kresťanské spoločenstvo Milosť patriace do zväzku Kresťanských spoločenstiev …More
Nebezpečná sekta alebo kresťanské spoločenstvo Milosť.
Dnes do povedomia ľudí čoraz väčšmi preniká výrazne misijne orientované kresťanské spoločenstvo Milosť patriace do zväzku Kresťanských spoločenstiev. Jeho ústredný zbor sídli v Banskej Bystrici, ale miestne zbory má po celom Slovensku. Pred časom som sa z médií dozvedel, že Kresťanské spoločenstvá sa usilujú zaregistrovať ako štátom uznaná cirkev, preto som sa rozhodol podeliť sa s čitateľmi Rozmeru so svojím svedectvom, v ktorom sa pokúsim opísať moje osobné a pomerne hektické skúsenosti s človekom, ktorý mi je blízky a ktorý toto spoločenstvo už niekoľko rokov navštevuje.
Tým blízkym človekom je moja teta a zároveň krstná mama, nazvime ju Jana. V mladosti bola veľmi rozhľadená. Čítala mnoho kníh o umení, precestovala veľkú časť Európy, pracovala v Taliansku, bola vášnivá turistka a športovkyňa. Ako dieťa som trávil u starých rodičov, kde teta Jana, keďže sa nevydala, bývala, veľa času. Všetci traja mali na mňa veľký vplyv. Teta ma …More
Chcem si dočítať tento príspevok...ako ho môžem vidiet cely?
Vypracovaný znalecký posudok na činnosť Kresťanských spoločenstiev Mgr. Františkom Fojtíkom (znalec v oblasti religionistiky, ekleziológie, siekt a …More
Vypracovaný znalecký posudok na činnosť Kresťanských spoločenstiev Mgr. Františkom Fojtíkom
(znalec v oblasti religionistiky, ekleziológie, siekt a nových náboženských hnutí):
Wikipédia o Kresťanskom spoločenstve Milosť:
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What Pope said and how He meant it. “The Mother of Jesus was the perfect icon of silence,” the Pope said. “From the proclamation of her exceptional maternity at Calvary.” The Pope said he thinks about …More
What Pope said and how He meant it.
“The Mother of Jesus was the perfect icon of silence,” the Pope said. “From the proclamation of her exceptional maternity at Calvary.” The Pope said he thinks about “how many times she remained quiet and how many times she did not say that which she felt in order to guard the mystery of her relationship with her Son,” up until the most raw silence “at the foot of the cross. The Gospel does not tell us anything: if she spoke a word or not… She was silent, but in her heart, how many things told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!’ John Paul II would say this, speaking about Our Lady in that moment. But she, with her silence, hid the mystery that she did not understand …More
Max Kasparu Bohatost sviatosti zmierenia. hrich, vnitrni zraneni a nepokoj...More
Max Kasparu Bohatost sviatosti zmierenia.
hrich, vnitrni zraneni a nepokoj...
Max Kasparu Spoved ako stabilizacia duse. trosicku mne mrzi kdyz se k tomu ukonu ocisteni minulosti nepodavaji zcela uplne informace.......More
Max Kasparu Spoved ako stabilizacia duse.
trosicku mne mrzi kdyz se k tomu ukonu ocisteni minulosti nepodavaji zcela uplne informace.......
Max Kasparu Falesne dojmy pri putovani. pouze vykroceni ..az teprve druhu nohu prisunu...tak jsem udelal krokMore
Max Kasparu Falesne dojmy pri putovani.
pouze vykroceni ..az teprve druhu nohu prisunu...tak jsem udelal krok
Max Kasparu Rozdil medzi knezem a psychologem. potesi iste vsetkych knazov na Gloria tvMore
Max Kasparu Rozdil medzi knezem a psychologem.
potesi iste vsetkych knazov na Gloria tv
Ľudský duch Dr. Lester Sumrall. Ľudský duch Dr. Lester SumrallMore
Ľudský duch Dr. Lester Sumrall.
Ľudský duch
Dr. Lester Sumrall
6 pages
The unborn child cannot survive without receiving oxygenated blood. Munoz, who was 14 weeks pregnant when she collapsed at home in November and was deprived of oxygen for up to an hour, is being kept …More
The unborn child cannot survive without receiving oxygenated blood.
Munoz, who was 14 weeks pregnant when she collapsed at home in November and was deprived of oxygen for up to an hour, is being kept on life support at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth against the wishes of her husband and parents. Hospital officials say they cannot remove her respirator because of a Texas law that prohibits doctors from withdrawing "life-sustaining treatment" from pregnant women.
On Jan. 14, Munoz's husband, Erick, sued the hospital. The motion filed in Tarrant County District Court states Erick "vehemently" opposes keeping his wife on life support, and would like to bury her.
But the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia said in a Jan. 7 statement about the McMath case that nothing in Catholic teaching would contradict the determination of death by the teen's physicians, using "the rigorous application of neurological criteria."
Those criteria can include "a complete lack of blood …More
Don Bosco's Prophecy of the Two Columns. Most of the prophecies associated with Don Bosco came to him during dreams, but just as in Matthew's Gospel where the process of Joseph being instructed by …More
Don Bosco's Prophecy of the Two Columns.
Most of the prophecies associated with Don Bosco came to him during dreams, but just as in Matthew's Gospel where the process of Joseph being instructed by angels during dreams is described it is clear that Don Bosco's experiences were more than the sort of dreams most of us have when asleep.
Most of his dreams were concerned with the direction both he and his order, the Salesians, were to take in the future, and in particular with the boys who lived at his oratory in Turin. He would often speak to them just before they went to bed, sometimes predicting that one of their number would die within a certain period, but without indicating which.
On 30 May 1862 Don Bosco at his 'Good Night' talk told his boys, and the young clerics he was training, about a dream he had dreamt a few nights previously: he actually described it as a parable or allegory. Strictly speaking a parable is a general story with a deeper meaning, but one in which the points of …
Prayer for Unborn Child. Prayer for the Unborn Child Almighty God, our Father,you who have given us life and intended us to have it forever, grant us your blessings. Enlighten our minds to an awareness …More
Prayer for Unborn Child.
Prayer for the Unborn Child
Almighty God, our Father,you who have given us life and intended us to have it forever, grant us your blessings.
Enlighten our minds to an awareness
and to a renewed conviction that all human life is sacred because it is created in your image and likeness.
Help us to teach by word and the example of our lives that life occupies the first place, that human life is precious because it is the gift of God
whose love is infinite. Give us the strength to defend human life
against every influence or action that threatens or weakens it, as well as the strength to make every life more human in all its aspects. Give us the grace...When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life. When a child is described as a burden or is looked upon only as a means to satisfy an emotional need, to stand up and insist that every child is a unique and unrepeatable …
2 pages
41 years from total legalization of abortion in US. On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, handed down two rulings legalizing abortion in America. Prior to these …More
41 years from total legalization of abortion in US.
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, handed down two rulings legalizing abortion in America. Prior to these rulings abortion was prohibited in most of the 50 states. In the states where abortion was permitted, such as New York and California, various restrictions had been placed on the reasons for abortion. These restrictions were removed by the 1973 rulings.
The Court based its decisions on the "right to privacy," which it claimed was guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, but which it could not specifically find anywhere. The Court concluded that it was implied in either the Fourteenth Amendment or the "penumbra" of the Bill of Rights.
Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton
The principal decision, Roe v. Wade, repealed all state laws prohibiting abortion. The companion case, Doe v. Bolton, extended the right to abortion to the entire nine months of pregnancy. The Court divided the term of pregnancy into More
Prosim, zahlasujte za tento clanok na Vybrali.SME, aby sa dostal do dennika SME a aby si ho precitalo co najviac ludi. Dakujem! Oslovte prosim Vasich …More
Prosim, zahlasujte za tento clanok na Vybrali.SME, aby sa dostal do dennika SME
a aby si ho precitalo co najviac ludi. Dakujem!
Oslovte prosim Vasich pro-life priatelov. Nikdy neviete, ako pozitivna sprava zasiahne srdce neznameho cloveka..
Why do many Arab Christians refer to God as “Allah”? “Allah” is the Arabic word for “God” and has been so long before the existence of Islam. The names “Allah” and “God” are generally interchangeable …More
Why do many Arab Christians refer to God as “Allah”?
“Allah” is the Arabic word for “God” and has been so long before the existence of Islam. The names “Allah” and “God” are generally interchangeable within the Muslim religion and in Middle Eastern cultures. Some English translations of the Qu’ran (Koran) use the name “God,” others use “Allah.” This sometimes comes as a surprise to Christians who were raised in Western cultures. Among former Muslims, many converts to Christianity commonly refer to God as “Allah.” (This is despite the fact that they recognize clear differences in the character of God as described by the Bible compared to Islamic writings. For example, although both Christians, Muslims and Jews firmly believe there is only one God, Christians have the additional doctrine of the Trinity.)
Of course, the word “God” does not actually appear in the original Hebrew or Greek manuscripts of the Bible, accepted as Holy by both Christians and Muslims. “God” is an old English …More
How do you witness to a Muslim? When witnessing to Muslims… What to Avoid God created us in His image. We can reflect the Trinity by our manner of communicating, by our friendship and our shared love …More
How do you witness to a Muslim?
When witnessing to Muslims… What to Avoid
God created us in His image. We can reflect the Trinity by our manner of communicating, by our friendship and our shared love. We are not called to fight Islam but to make every effort to make Jesus known!
When witnessing to Muslims, what should we avoid?
1. Do not attack the person of Mohammed, but do not accept him as a prophet either.
2. Do not criticise the Qur’an (Koran).
3. Avoid politically-sensitive subjects and praising Israel.
4. Do not insist on Jesus as being the Son of God. A Muslim will not understand or accept this affirmation. Later, when he has read the Bible or the gospels, you can give him the necessary explanations. 5. Do not enter into discussions about pork and wine. We, as Christians, are sent to proclaim Jesus. Specific guidelines 1. Initially focus on areas of agreement. In your first contacts with Muslims and even later it is useful to be in agreement as much as possible with Muslims about …More
Venerable Pimen the Great. By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! …More
Venerable Pimen the Great.
By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! Our Father Pimen, pray to Christ God to save our souls!
Kontakion – Tone 4
The memorial of your illustrious struggles delights the souls of the devout today, Pimen, our venerable father, wise in God.
Saint Pimen the Great was born about the year 340 in Egypt. He went to one of the Egyptian monasteries with his two brothers, Anoub and Paisius, and all three received monastic tonsure. The brothers were such strict ascetics that when their mother came to the monastery to see her children, they did not come out to her from their cells. The mother stood there for a long time and wept. Then St Pimen said to her through the closed door of the cell, “Do you wish to see us now, or in the future life?” St Pimen promised that if she would endure the sorrow of not seeing her children in this life, then …More
stary clanok ale aky zaujimavy. G. Bush má vraj nového spojenca: Boha 13.10.2005 | Eduard Chmelár | Zdá sa, že súčasný pán Bieleho domu stráca posledné zvyšky súdnosti. Jeho minulotýždňový prejav …More
stary clanok ale aky zaujimavy.
G. Bush má vraj nového spojenca: Boha
13.10.2005 | Eduard Chmelár |
Zdá sa, že súčasný pán Bieleho domu stráca posledné zvyšky súdnosti. Jeho minulotýždňový prejav pred členmi nadácie National Endowment for Democracy nielenže rozšíril zbierku o nové „bushizmy“, ale v plnej miere odhalil myslenie „džejára“ Busha...
Americký prezident hovoril najmä o Iraku. Označil ho za „ústredný front v našej vojne proti terorizmu“. Hodno pripomenúť, že tento front vytvoril pán Bush sám, keďže pred inváziou bol vplyv islamských fundamentalistov v krajine minimálny. Okrem toho, prezident ustavične mení svoje vyjadrenia o skončení okupácie Iraku, čo pripomína „dočasný“ pobyt sovietskych vojsk na našom území.
George Bush hovoril o vytrvaní v boji až do víťazstva, hoci to, ako si isto pamätáte, ohlásil už niekoľko týždňov po dobytí Iraku. Aj o Usámovi bin Ládinovi, ktorý už začína pripomínať skôr postavu z mytológie a o ktorom sa donedávna vyjadroval, že jeho dolapenie je „…More
Teologická komisia KBS o správnom používaní termínu zasvätenie sa. Zasvätenie sa – oddanie sa, zverenie sa, postavenie sa pod ochranu Teológia pozná dva základné druhy zasvätenia: - zasvätenie sa …More
Teologická komisia KBS o správnom používaní termínu zasvätenie sa.
Zasvätenie sa – oddanie sa, zverenie sa, postavenie sa pod ochranu
Teológia pozná dva základné druhy zasvätenia: - zasvätenie sa Pánu Bohu (zasvätenie v plnom zmysle slova); - zasvätenie sa svätcovi (napr. Panne Márii), čo je len analógia zasvätenia sa Bohu. Zasvätením sa svätej osobe sa uznávalo svätcovo významné miesto v dejinách spásy.
Pokrok v teológii i presnejšie používanie odborných termínov však dnes vedie Cirkev k tomu, aby výraz „zasvätenie“ vyhradila len pre obetovanie sa Bohu (por. Orientamenti e proposte per la celebrazione dell’anno mariano 26). Toto zasvätenie, ktoré má mať charakter úplnosti a trvácnosti, môže urobiť len pokrstená a pobirmovaná osoba za asistencie Cirkvi.
Pre zasvätenie sa svätcom (i Panne Márii) podľa vzoru bl. Jána Pavla II. (por. encykliku Redemptoris Mater 31, 33, 42; aj apoštol. list - Rosarium Virginis Mariae 2, 43) i Svätého Otca Františka (modlitba zverenia zo dňa 13.10.2013) sa …More