Powerful quake hits Japan. AlJazeeraEnglish on Mar 10, 2011 An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday. It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of …More
Powerful quake hits Japan.
AlJazeeraEnglish on Mar 10, 2011 An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday.
It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of Kamishi and its tremors shook buildings in the capital Tokyo, over 300 kilometres away.
Now Taiwan has issued a tsunami warning.
Timothy Snodgrass Homepage EARTHQUAKE UPDATE - I am currently stranded in Tokyo, Japan, after all Delta flights in and out of the city have been cancelled due to the 8.9 earthquake. I have never felt anything like this quake. The earth has not stopped shaking for 14 hours since the original tremor. There have been more than 50 major aftershocks, and the earth is still shaking as I write this.
At …More
Timothy Snodgrass Homepage EARTHQUAKE UPDATE - I am currently stranded in Tokyo, Japan, after all Delta flights in and out of the city have been cancelled due to the 8.9 earthquake. I have never felt anything like this quake. The earth has not stopped shaking for 14 hours since the original tremor. There have been more than 50 major aftershocks, and the earth is still shaking as I write this.

At 2:46 PM, as my flight was preparing to board Delta flight 58 for San Francisco, the 8.9 quake hit without warning, followed 30 minutes later by a devastating 7.2 quake, which seemed to do more damage in this area than the first one. Officials did not allow us to evacuate the building until after the second major quake. At approximately 4:00 PM, I found myself with an exodus of people streaming away from the airport, and I spent much of the day outside looking for shade among Boeing 747’s. As rain began to fall later in the evening, we were led into a temporary evacuation center on the first level of Terminal 2 (terminal 1 took the most damage).

The airport has now re-opened, and after I write this message I will try to get a little bit of sleep on the floor. We have been told that we may be living in the airport for several days, whereas most of the roads and highways are closed, and earthquakes continue to rock the nation. It is too cold to sleep outside (slightly above freezing), and I was really not prepared for the cold in Japan … we are having another large aftershock as I write this … it is very traumatic being inside the building as the quakes continue, but I do not think I would survive outside in the cold. Please pray that the airport continues to stand, and that we have no more great quakes.

My luggage seems to have been lost in all of the chaos, and I currently have nothing in Japan except for the clothes on my back and one bottle of mineral water, which I am drinking very sparingly. All shops, restaurants, and stores in the airport have been closed, and employees seem to be walking around in confusion. Only airport employees have the authorization to run out of the building during an earthquake to safety, but passengers cannot leave the building until an evacuation is declared, which usually takes about 30 minutes after the quake, when it’s too late. I think that perhaps an international airport is the worst place to be during an earthquake, because security and immigration authorities would rather have you crushed underneath a building than have you leave the airport without stamping a visa in your passport.

You can probably tell than I’m tired and not in the best of moods right now, I have not had my Starbucks, my clothes are dirty from sitting on the concrete outside, and my dinner today was a Ritz cracker. I am having visions of a soft bed and a shower, in a place the earth isn’t shaking. I had better close now and prepare myself for another possible evacuation. Thanks so much for your prayers.


Timothy Snodgrass

4:48 AM - March 12 (Japan Time)
Thank you Elisabeth! German page: Please sign me up on petition for 5th Dogma-Mary Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocate.
3440. Message from Our Lady of Peace, Santo Amaro/SP, Brazil. transmitted in 15/02/2011
Dear Sons and Daughters, when you feel the weight of the cross, don't lose heart. Only by passing with the cross will you arrive at victory. Seek strength is the Eucharist, for this is the only way you will be able to bear the weight of the trials that must come. Be courageous. My Son Jesus is at your side, even …More
3440. Message from Our Lady of Peace, Santo Amaro/SP, Brazil. transmitted in 15/02/2011

Dear Sons and Daughters, when you feel the weight of the cross, don't lose heart. Only by passing with the cross will you arrive at victory. Seek strength is the Eucharist, for this is the only way you will be able to bear the weight of the trials that must come. Be courageous. My Son Jesus is at your side, even though you don't see Him. I ask you to live in the Grace of My Lord. Don't let sin lead you away from the way to holiness. Open your hearts and accept My appeals. Now is the time of Grace for all of you. I am your Mom, and I am tireless. I come from heaven because I love you and want to see you happy already here on earth and later with Me in heaven. Don't lose heart. I will always be close to you. Forward on the way I have shown to you. Humanity has become spiritually poor because people have gotten away from their Creator. Return quickly. Death will pass through Assis and My poor children will have to weep and lament. Akita (Japan) will drink the bitter cup of pain. Bend your knees in prayer. Your victory is in The Lord. Seek Him, for He is waiting for you with open arms. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at Peace
Japanese quake's epicenter located near Marian apparition site
Niigata, Japan, Mar 12, 2011 / 07:17 am (CNA).- The epicenter of the earthquake that caused a deadly March 11 tsunami is located near the site of an apparition in which Mary warned about a worldwide disaster that could afflict humanity.
Japanese church officials have confirmed that the Diocese of Sendai, in the north of the country, was …More
Japanese quake's epicenter located near Marian apparition site

Niigata, Japan, Mar 12, 2011 / 07:17 am (CNA).- The epicenter of the earthquake that caused a deadly March 11 tsunami is located near the site of an apparition in which Mary warned about a worldwide disaster that could afflict humanity.
Japanese church officials have confirmed that the Diocese of Sendai, in the north of the country, was hit hardest by the 8.8 magnitude earthquake – the worst in Japanese history – and the resulting 23-foot waves.
Hundreds of people have already been confirmed dead in the city of Sendai, located less than 90 miles away from the apparition site of Our Lady of Akita in the town of Yuzawa.
The city of Akita, which experienced fire damage and flooding along with many parts of northern Japan, is a place of veneration for Catholics.
In 1973, the Virgin Mary was said to have predicted a number of future events – including natural disasters even more serious than Friday's earthquake and tsunami – during three appearances to a Japanese religious sister, Sr. Agnes Sasagawa.
The purported appearances of the Virgin Mary in Japan were reviewed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1988. During his time as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith prior to his election as Pope Benedict XVI, he let stand the local bishop’s judgment that the apparitions and the messages were acceptable for the faithful.
The messages warned of chaos within the Church, and disasters which could afflict the world.
“If men do not repent and better themselves, God the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity,” Mary reportedly told Sr. Agnes. “If will be a punishment greater than the (biblical) flood, such as never seen before.”
“Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful,” she said. “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church, in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops.”
“Churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.”
“Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary,” she told Sr. Agnes. “With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”
Two years after the last message, the statue of the Virgin Mary in the chapel where the apparitions had occurred began to emit tears and drops of blood. The occurrence continued for more than six years.
Reports from Akita following Friday's earthquake indicate that the city received significantly less damage than other parts of northern Japan, despite its proximity to the epicenter. However, residents did report power outages, burst pipes, and fires.
Bishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi of Niigata, whose territory includes the Akita apparition site, is also the president of Caritas Japan, which will be working to assist victims of the earthquake and tsunami. The relief organization is accepting contributions to its emergency fund at…
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus,
qui respicis terram
et facis eam tremere:
parce metuentibus,
propitiare supplicibus;
ut, cujus iram terrae fundamenta
concutientem expavimus,
clementiam contritiones ejus
sanantem jugiter sentiamus.
Allmächtiger, ewiger Gott,
Dein Blick läßtdie Erde erbeben:
Übe Schonung mit den Geängstigten
und sei den um Hilfe Flehenden gnädig.
Wie wir vor Deinem Zorn erschraken,
der …
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus,
qui respicis terram
et facis eam tremere:
parce metuentibus,
propitiare supplicibus;
ut, cujus iram terrae fundamenta
concutientem expavimus,
clementiam contritiones ejus
sanantem jugiter sentiamus.

Allmächtiger, ewiger Gott,
Dein Blick läßtdie Erde erbeben:
Übe Schonung mit den Geängstigten
und sei den um Hilfe Flehenden gnädig.
Wie wir vor Deinem Zorn erschraken,
der die Grundfesten der Erde erschütterte,
so laß uns beständig Deine Güte gewahren,
welche die Risse dieser Erde heilt.

Missale Romanum,
Oratio in tempore terraemotus
3425. Message from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil transmitted in 12/01/2011
Dear Sons and Daughters, all power is only in the hands of The Lord. Glorify the name of The Lord with your examples and words. To Him, all honor and glory. Open your hearts to His Grace and He will make you men and women of faith. Don't stray from the way I have pointed out to you. Don't let anything take you …More
3425. Message from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil transmitted in 12/01/2011

Dear Sons and Daughters, all power is only in the hands of The Lord. Glorify the name of The Lord with your examples and words. To Him, all honor and glory. Open your hearts to His Grace and He will make you men and women of faith. Don't stray from the way I have pointed out to you. Don't let anything take you away from the love. Only in love will you find the Lord. If you open yourself to love, you will attain great virtues. Pay attention and listen to the voice of The Lord. Humanity lives far from God and will bring upon itself things that human eyes have never seen. You will yet see terrors on the earth. The land of the Holy Cross will live great afflictions. As I have said in the past, you are heading towards Calvary. Many populated regions will be deserted. You will yet see the earth shaking like a fruit on a tree that moves with the Wind. I suffer because of what is coming to you. Bend your knees in prayer. The solution of your problems is in prayer. Forward. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at Peace.
One more comment from elisabethvonthüringen
Von der Muttergottes...
Wo kommen diese Botschaften eigentlich her?
– DRITTE BOTSCHAFT, 13. Oktober 1973.
"Meine geliebte Tochter, höre mir gut zu, was ich dir nun sagen werde und teile es deiner Obern mit:
"Wenn die Menschen nicht bereuen, und sich nicht bessern, wird der Vater, der ganzen Menschheit, eine fürchterliche Züchtigung schicken! Eine Strafe, weit schlimmer als die Sintflut. Eine Strafe, wie sie bis jetzt noch nicht …

– DRITTE BOTSCHAFT, 13. Oktober 1973.

"Meine geliebte Tochter, höre mir gut zu, was ich dir nun sagen werde und teile es deiner Obern mit:

"Wenn die Menschen nicht bereuen, und sich nicht bessern, wird der Vater, der ganzen Menschheit, eine fürchterliche Züchtigung schicken! Eine Strafe, weit schlimmer als die Sintflut. Eine Strafe, wie sie bis jetzt noch nicht vorgekommen ist. Feuer wird vom Himmel fallen und einen grossen Teil der Menschheit dahinraffen. Sowohl die Bösen als auch die Guten. Weder Gläubige noch Priester werden verschont werden."

"Die Überlebenden werden so betrübt sein, dass sie die Toten beneiden werden. Die einzigen Waffen, die dann bleiben werden, wird der Rosenkranz und das Zeichen Meines Sohnes sein. Mit dem Rosenkranz betet für den Papst, die Bischöfe und die Priester. Die Handlung des Teufels wird sogar ins Innere der Kirche eindringen, so, dass Kardinäle gegeneinander antreten werden, und Bischöfe gegen Bischöfe."

"Die Priester, die mich verehren, werden verachtet werden und von anderen Priestern bekämpft werden. Die Kirchen und die Altäre werden geplündert werden. Die Kirche wird voll sein, von denen die Basteleien akzeptieren. Und der Teufel wird viele Priester und gottgeweihte Seelen stossen, den Dienst am Herrn zu verlassen. Der Teufel wird vor allem die gottgeweihten Seelen erbittert bekämpfen."

"Der Gedanke an den Verlust so vieler Seelen, ist die Ursache meiner grossen Traurigkeit. Wenn die Sünden zunehmen, zahlenmässig und in der Schwere, wird es keine Verzeihung mehr geben. Betet oft den Rosenkranz. Diejenigen die ihr Vertrauen in mich setzen, werden gerettet werden."

"Am 4. Januar 1975 begann die Statue der Madonna, in der Kapelle der "Dienerinnen der Eucharistie", Bluttränen zu weinen, bis zum 15. September 1981, 101 Mal. Der Diözesanbischof, Monsignore Ito, war Augenzeuge vom Tränenfluss. An dem Tag, als der Tränenfluss begann, erschien der Engel der Schwester Agnes, und sagte:

"Du brauchst nicht verwundert zu sein, die Heilige Jungfrau weinend zu sehen. Denn eine einzige Seele die sich bekehrt ist sehr wertvoll für ihr Herz. Sie zeigt ihren Schmerz, um eueren Glauben zu beleben, der so schwach und zerbrechlich ist. Jetzt da ihr ihre wertvollen Tränen erblickt habt, und um SIE zu trösten, sprecht mutig davon und verbreitet diese Verehrung, zu ihrem Ruhm und dem ihres Sohnes."
abgründe der woche
+++ super-gau : in japan droht nach heftigem erdbeben und tsunami eine reaktor-kernschmelze + hunderte tote + tausende evakuiert +++ pleitegeier : weltgrösster anleihen-fonds pimco stösst sämtliche us-anleihen ab + skepsis gegenüber bonität der usa + drastischer wertverlust bei staatsanleihen absehbar + pimco-chef gross nennt geldpolitik der fed einen teufelspakt + …More
abgründe der woche
+++ super-gau : in japan droht nach heftigem erdbeben und tsunami eine reaktor-kernschmelze + hunderte tote + tausende evakuiert +++ pleitegeier : weltgrösster anleihen-fonds pimco stösst sämtliche us-anleihen ab + skepsis gegenüber bonität der usa + drastischer wertverlust bei staatsanleihen absehbar + pimco-chef gross nennt geldpolitik der fed einen teufelspakt + ökonomie-professor der boston university kotlikoff hält usa für bereits bankrott +++ islamdebatte : bundespräsident wulff wiederholt vor dem nachrichtensender al-jazeera seine aussage, dass der islam zu deutschland gehöre + diese religion dürfe nicht automatisch mit terrorismus in verbindung gebracht werden + neuer bundesinnenminister friedrich hatte wulffs aussage kritisiert und widersprochen +++ lebensfeindlich : europaparlament verabschiedet berichte zur gleichstellung von frauen und männern und nennt darin ausdrücklich abtreibung als mittel zur familienplanung + eu-länder sollten frauen zugang zu verhütungsmitteln und recht auf abtreibung garantieren +++ big brother (I) : facebook aktiviert online-formular, mit dem nutzer andere nutzer bei suizidverdacht anonym anzeigen können + facebook-administratoren entscheiden, ob polizei oder beratungsdienst benachrichtigt werden muss +++ big brother (II) : web-inhalte von google, facebook, amazon werden zunehmend gefiltert + es wird nur noch angezeigt, was dem nutzer gefallen könnte + auf facebook werden entsprechend nachrichten von „freunden“ mit abweichenden meinungen als der eigenen, nicht länger angezeigt + entwicklung schleichend, nicht sofort ersichtlich, wie manche kontakte aus dem netzwerk aussortiert werden + sie tauchen dann einfach irgendwann nicht mehr auf +++ rätselhaft (I) : eine neue uno-studie stellt bienensterben als weltweit auftretendes phänomen dar + ursachen weiterhin unklar + gegenmassnahmen ebenfalls + folgen könnten langfristig verheerend sein, da bienen 70 der 100 wichtigsten nutzpflanzen bestäuben +++ rätselhaft (II) : im kalifornischen redondo beach wurden mehrere millionen verendeter sardellen angeschwemmt + ursache unklar + vögel rührten die toten fische nicht an +++ ungewöhnlich : in der türkei legen schneefälle den verkehr in einzelnen regionen lahm + schulen bleiben geschlossen + auch im norden griechenlands schneefälle + häfen geschlossen + stromausfälle +++
🤗 catholiccat--Yes, we must pray a lot for the Lord's Mercy...
We have to pray for all who are victims of natural disasters.
Radiation risk as Japan nuke reactor heats up…/world_news-asia… TOKYO — Japan's massive earthquake caused a power outage that disabled a nuclear reactor's cooling system, triggering evacuation orders for about 3,000 residents as the government declared its first-ever state of emergency at a nuclear plant. Pressure is rising inside the nuclear reactor, Japanese officials said,…More
Radiation risk as Japan nuke reactor heats up…/world_news-asia… TOKYO — Japan's massive earthquake caused a power outage that disabled a nuclear reactor's cooling system, triggering evacuation orders for about 3,000 residents as the government declared its first-ever state of emergency at a nuclear plant. Pressure is rising inside the nuclear reactor, Japanese officials said, after a backup generator also failed and the cooling system was unable to supply water to cool the reactor, though at least one backup cooling system is being used. The reactor core remains hot even after a shutdown. Japan's nuclear safety agency said that to reduce the pressure, slightly radioactive vapor may be released at the plant near Onahama city, some 170 miles northeast of Tokyo. It added that the vapor would not impact the environment or health. If the outage in the cooling system persists, eventually radiation could leak out into the environment, and, in the worst case, could cause a reactor meltdown, a nuclear safety agency official said on condition of anonymity, citing sensitivity of the issue.
Alerta mundial por terremoto y maremoto en Japón La pastoral Social Caritas con sus redes de emergencia y solidaridad en todo Chile se encuentra atenta siguiendo los efectos de la catástrofe y acompañando con serenidad a nuestros compatriotas. Ver galería de fotos El terremoto y maremoto de 8,9 grados Richter que afectó hoy a Japón mantiene encendida la alerta en numerosos países que también …More
Alerta mundial por terremoto y maremoto en Japón La pastoral Social Caritas con sus redes de emergencia y solidaridad en todo Chile se encuentra atenta siguiendo los efectos de la catástrofe y acompañando con serenidad a nuestros compatriotas. Ver galería de fotos El terremoto y maremoto de 8,9 grados Richter que afectó hoy a Japón mantiene encendida la alerta en numerosos países que también podrían verse afectados. Nadie mejor que los chilenos para entender lo que una catástrofe de este tipo significa para un país, sobretodo cuando gran parte de la zona afectada por el 27F sigue en condiciones de emergencia. Estos fenómenos deben llamar nuestra atención sobre lo que está sucediendo en nuestro planeta y en cómo lo que pasa a un lado del mundo, puede tener grandes repercusiones en otras partes. En Japón la situación es de total emergencia, a medida que avanza la hora la cifra de víctimas fatales ha ido en aumento y son miles los desaparecidos producto de este gran terremoto que originó un tsunami con olas de hasta diez metros. Fenómeno seguido de numerosas réplicas, algunas de las cuales alcanzaron los 7 grados. Sucedida la catástrofe, las alarmas se encendieron de inmediato en numerosos países que podrían verse afectados directamente por posibles tsunamis. Una vez más Chile se ve enfrentado a una situación de alerta en nuestras costas del Pacífico. Y si bien las autoridades han llamado a la calma, el pánico sigue vivo entre la población de la zona afectada por el 27F, especialmente, entre los miles de compatriotas que aún viven en situación de emergencia y que conocen muy bien los efectos de una catástrofe de esta magnitud. El gobierno decretó alerta preventiva en el borde costero y se han realizado alguna evacuaciones preventivas en zonas afectadas por el maremoto de febrero del 2010 y en Isla de Pascua, zona que podría ser la más perjudicada. El que se hayan registrado dos cataclismos en poco más de un año debe llevarnos a la reflexión respecto de lo que está sucediendo en el planeta que habitamos y los efectos que nuestras acciones pueden tener y las consecuencias que pueden generar hacia otros. "Nuestra solidaridad está con nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Caritas Japón y todo el pueblo japonés", dijo Lesley-Anne Knight, Secretaria General de Caritas Internacional. "Durante mi visita a Caritas Japón el año pasado tuve la oportunidad de ver el buen trabajo que están haciendo para ayudar a los pobres y en crisis. Vamos a continuar para apoyarlos en este difícil momento y vamos a seguir todos los afectados por el terremoto en nuestras oraciones”, sentenció. Desde la Pastoral Social Caritas seguimos en estado de alerta solidaria trabajando con los más necesitados y especialmente con aquellos que tratan de levantarse luego del duro golpe que significó la catástrofe del 27F. Asimismo, compartimos el dolor que nuestros hermanos japoneses están viviendo, oramos por las víctimas y estamos atentos a los acontecimientos que están sucediendo en estas horas tan difíciles. Fuente: Comunicaciones Pastoral Social Caritas Santiago, 11/03/2011
" Eternal Father,I offer You the Body and Blood,soul and Divinity of Your Beloved Son,Our Lord, Jesus Christ received in Holy Union with Him by your faithful remnant ,present in all Tabernacles of the world in expiation for all sins and sacrileges commited against you,in intention of all souls suffering in the purgatory,on behalf of those parting with lives this very moment and every day,may they …More
" Eternal Father,I offer You the Body and Blood,soul and Divinity of Your Beloved Son,Our Lord, Jesus Christ received in Holy Union with Him by your faithful remnant ,present in all Tabernacles of the world in expiation for all sins and sacrileges commited against you,in intention of all souls suffering in the purgatory,on behalf of those parting with lives this very moment and every day,may they have the grace of repentance of their sins and acknowledging you,the One True God and Our Lord,Jesus Christ,Whom You have sent,in Whose Mercy we trust and Whose Judgement we all await,regardless of how many talents you have given us for our eartly journey as we all are on the Pilgrimage to Our Father's House ,may Christ turn His Face,may the Light of the Holy Spirit shine upon us,so we too could be assured we were saved.Amen
I think it was in spring of 1999,the day UN met in Washington,DC,I was at the Pharmacy,in vain trying to call home for my daughter to take inside the geranium pots;AND i wondered in my heart: here I am,worried about my freshly planted flowers,what should people say,whose houses are ripped appart,cars,property destroyed? So I prayed the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and when I came home,walking past …More
I think it was in spring of 1999,the day UN met in Washington,DC,I was at the Pharmacy,in vain trying to call home for my daughter to take inside the geranium pots;AND i wondered in my heart: here I am,worried about my freshly planted flowers,what should people say,whose houses are ripped appart,cars,property destroyed? So I prayed the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and when I came home,walking past cars damaged by hail as if gun fire,torn roofs,siding,toppled trees,power lines - the geraniums on the front steps,nor the rose in the garden : not even one petal fell from them,my next door lebanese muslims tomato bushes beaten to a pulp.Till we have time of mercy,we must reconcile ourselves to God and seek His protection.The most important is that we are to live in a state of grace always,for we never know,when the day will come that Our Lord will call us to Himself. ✍️ 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
2 more comments from alinalotte
The map of the world outlined by black clouds with white smudgy clouds washing up at shores all over the world ( I was able to recognize the foretelling of floods in Mexico,India,Pakistan,the islands ,keep in mind I was at work on busy Sunday afternoon in spring,with lines of customers forming rapidly,as they all came as wave at the same time,yet as I was calling outloud ,the sign was witnessed by …More
The map of the world outlined by black clouds with white smudgy clouds washing up at shores all over the world ( I was able to recognize the foretelling of floods in Mexico,India,Pakistan,the islands ,keep in mind I was at work on busy Sunday afternoon in spring,with lines of customers forming rapidly,as they all came as wave at the same time,yet as I was calling outloud ,the sign was witnessed by others- a sophisticated lady looking up went pale in her face,paralized by fear,younger yuppies jaws dropped in shock and awe,housewife folded her hands in prayer,closing her eyes,obviously a Catholic as she was clutching a Rosary - and I pondered in my heart at their very reaction,knowing if it would have been in my Catholic Poland,everybody would be on their knees,praying for God's forgiveness and mercy and here I did not feel free to walk away from the register,for the corporate interests and the shopping mentality of hedonistic societies has no time to pay attention to God's message).For it was sign of Grace,so we would examine our conscience,ammend our lives,repent and change our ways.I told Mr.T. ,a descendant of Polish Americans and his wife about praying away the hail the day around the cusp of the century,1999
The judge was telling me to take as long as I need to look through the evidence,but I tossed it aside like debrise,closed my eyes for a moment,saying in my heart:" Holy Spirit,now is the time to shine!" and open my mouth as the false accuser,hiding behind her mighty lawyers,paid with our,the homeowners,money was literally passing out in her seat ( favorite Persian proverb of my late husband was:" …More
The judge was telling me to take as long as I need to look through the evidence,but I tossed it aside like debrise,closed my eyes for a moment,saying in my heart:" Holy Spirit,now is the time to shine!" and open my mouth as the false accuser,hiding behind her mighty lawyers,paid with our,the homeowners,money was literally passing out in her seat ( favorite Persian proverb of my late husband was:" Don't be a thief and do not be afraid of the Padishah! even though he never realized the true source of courage,honesty and Truth is no other ,but the mighty Advocate,Advisor,Teacher,Protector,Comforter,The Holy Spirit Himself),the judge rejoycing,asking her: " Ms D.,you with your all legal help can not answer one simple question? as he poised similiar question to me earler:" Mrs A.,you have no written testimony,no witnesses,nobody to testify on your belhaf,no lawyer,no legal help whatsoever ?" I did no ask for nothing,did not say anything on my own,except what The Holy Spirit revealed( I had no idea that those two huge piles of my accusers evidence contained falsified,computerized images,fake rules made especially to charge me with contempt of court,fabricated on my gdaughter's birthday and my names day -the French neighbor,estranged from her Catholic husband knew about the Holy Father giving me Padre Pio ( acknowledging rather the fact that Padre Pio ,who manifested himself in many of miracles happening to me,took patronage of that little Polish girl,that suffered since the age of three of not having a patron saint) as my patron saint,beatifying him on Monika's birthday and cannonizing him on my namesday( in 1999 I sent the Holy Father picture of rose that bloomed as topographical map of Poland,having grown out of totally dead root,that I initially had thrown out,only to call on the Lord,as I desired so much to see at least one flower of that enigmatic Double Delight rose and within ten days it grew ,on the eve exposed immature bud,morning Angelus on June 16-the day JP II had celebrated that open air Holy Mass in Wadowice blooming in it's full beauty as topographical map of Poland, in the middle of it,the rose petals forming two hearts joined together
Después de fuertes terremoto y tsunami, Cáritas de Japón y Asia preparan ayuda
Publicado 2011/03/11
Autor: Gaudium Press
San Pablo (Viernes, 11-03-2011, Gaudium Press)
Los equipos de la agencia Cáritas Asia y Cáritas Japón ya preparan ayuda para los japoneses después de que un fuerte terremoto de 8,9 grados en la escala Richter sacudió al país en la tarde de este viernes (horario local, …More
Después de fuertes terremoto y tsunami, Cáritas de Japón y Asia preparan ayuda
Publicado 2011/03/11
Autor: Gaudium Press
San Pablo (Viernes, 11-03-2011, Gaudium Press)
Los equipos de la agencia Cáritas Asia y Cáritas Japón ya preparan ayuda para los japoneses después de que un fuerte terremoto de 8,9 grados en la escala Richter sacudió al país en la tarde de este viernes (horario local, madrugada en América Latina). Es el más fuerte terremoto que afecta Japón y uno de los más potentes ya registrados en la Historia.

Remolino ante las costas de Oarai

El temblor, cuyo epicentro fue a 130 kilómetros de la costa noreste del país, en el océano Pacífico, y a una profundidad de cerca de 25 kilómetros, generó tsunamis de hasta diez metros de altura que afectaron y devastaron diversas ciudades litorales del país. Las olas ya alcanzaron otros países del Pacífico. Hasta el momento, 60 personas murieron, pero todavía hay muchos desaparecidos.
"Un tsunami golpeó a nuestra gente. Una ola anormal arrastró nuestra vida. Estamos aún en estado de shock por todo lo que sucedió. Las noticias son confusas, pero lo que sabemos es que la diócesis más afectada es la de Sendai", declaró un morador de la región a la Agencia Fides.
El presidente de la Cáritas de Japón, obispo Mons. Isao Kikuchi, afirmó que, aunque la comunidad católica de la región no sea muy numerosa, la entidad ya prepara ayuda y no medirá esfuerzos para ayudar a las víctimas".
Padre Bonnie Mendes, presidente de la Cáritas Asia, a su vez, dijo que está en contacto con la Cáritas japonesa y que está monitoreando la situación, los daños y las víctimas. "Esperamos que no haya muchos muertos. Aguardamos ahora saber el real cuadro de los desabrigados y las necesidades de estos para dar inicio a un plan de emergencia".
Con informaciones de agencias y la Radio Vaticana.