Portsmouth Bishop Philip speaks about the Same Sex Couples Act 2013 "We believe that our way is the true way"More
Portsmouth Bishop Philip speaks about the Same Sex Couples Act 2013
"We believe that our way is the true way"

The Amish, Jews, Muslims and the future of religion

By Damian Thompson The Amish are good at keeping members inside the fold: 85 per cent of children keep the faith. Combine this with an average of seven children per family, and you begin to understand …More
By Damian Thompson
The Amish are good at keeping members inside the fold: 85 per cent of children keep the faith. Combine this with an average of seven children per family, and you begin to understand why the Amish have grown from 6,000 to 275,000 over the past century.
There’s more to this success than big families combined with social pressure. The Amish spell out how to live your life, leaving little space for speculating about the supernatural. They have no seminaries; their aim is not to understand God but to follow him by perfecting their daily living. That’s a modern recipe as well as an ancient one.
The Amish, Hasidic Jews and Salafist Muslims are all good at holding on to their flocks. These three groups have different attitudes to conversion – almost no one joins the Amish, a few secular Jews become Hasidic, lots of Muslims embrace strict observance – but their emphasis on behaviour rather than belief gives them a certain robustness in a sceptical 21st century. Mainstream …More
Guy waving a fish puppet during the entrance procession. National Association of Pastoral Musicians annual convention 2013. Convention Eucharist at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate …More
Guy waving a fish puppet during the entrance procession.
National Association of Pastoral Musicians annual convention 2013. Convention Eucharist at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
See also: The Liturgical Role of Flying Fish Puppets
Friar Kaniela
🤫 🤫 what were they thinking? 🤫 🤫
Uncle Joe
Typical product of the fraud known as Medjugorje: pathologically obsessive, pushy and inconsiderate of others to the point of posting their moronic …More
Typical product of the fraud known as Medjugorje: pathologically obsessive, pushy and inconsiderate of others to the point of posting their moronic rantings on multiple threads in which there is absolutely no relevance.
The lot of them are a pathetic bunch and further indication that Medjugorje is a total fraud perpetrated on simple illogical minds. Minds that have abandoned reason in the pursuit of this either silly waste of time or demonic deception that these pawns feel compelled to defend zealously.
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Conmoción entre los tradicionalistas

El Vaticano ha decidido intervenir la congregación religiosa de los Franciscanos de la Inmaculada. Es una potestad de Roma que ningún católico puede negar. Cuando la Iglesia aprecia desviaciones …More
El Vaticano ha decidido intervenir la congregación religiosa de los Franciscanos de la Inmaculada. Es una potestad de Roma que ningún católico puede negar. Cuando la Iglesia aprecia desviaciones morales, disciplinares, teológicas, administrativas… debe poner, y a veces pone, los correctivos que correspondan. Y encomiendan autoridad en el instituto a un comisario o delegado a quien todos deben someterse como si fuera su superior general. Los Franciscanos de la Inmaculada son una escisión de los Franciscanos Conventuales ocurrida por los años setenta del pasado siglo y que en estos días de hundimiento de las órdenes y congregaciones religiosas presentan un crecimiento notable. Afectos al modo extraordinario de la misa, aunque no lo mantienen en exclusividad, aparentemente eran un modelo de ortodoxia, piedad, pobreza, mantenimiento del hábito religioso, abundancia de vocaciones… Lo que no estábamos acostumbrados a ver en muchos otros institutos regulares. Digo aparentemente porque no hay …More
Mi familia y amigos me preguntan a menudo, ¿Qué gusto le encuentro a una Misa hecha en latín y que no se entiende nada??? Les aclaro que no tod la …More
Mi familia y amigos me preguntan a menudo, ¿Qué gusto le encuentro a una Misa hecha en latín y que no se entiende nada??? Les aclaro que no tod la misa es en latín, las lecturas de los textos, incluyendo el Evangelio, además del sermón se da en lengua vernácula, la de la región o entorno. Por otra parte, les aclaro que la misa Tridentina (El calificativo de "tridentina" se refiere a su origen, ya que fue reformada y unificada a toda la Iglesia latina por iniciativa del Concilio de Trento) se la daba en su nayor parte en latín como idioma universal, recordando que la Iglesia Católica es Universal, al dársela en un solo idioma ubicamos a Dios en el centro, el sacerdote y los fieles no le dan la espalda a la imagen de Cristo crusificado, el sacerdote es quien más participa, muy a pesar de que el valor entre la Misa actual y la antigua es exactamente el mismo, me siento más cómodo porque incluye por parte del sacerdote rituales que denotan mayor exigencia, respeto y adoración, algo evidente …More
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Georgetown to Cover Contraception, Sandra Fluke Declares Victory

Georgetown University’s health insurance will cover contraception starting next month for students, faculty, and staff. The announcement came in the form of a blast email to the entire campus from …More
Georgetown University’s health insurance will cover contraception starting next month for students, faculty, and staff.
The announcement came in the form of a blast email to the entire campus from university president John DeGioia, indicating that because the Affordable Care Act requires that all insurance policies cover contraceptives (including abortifacients and sterilization procedures), all students, faculty, and staff will have that coverage, which goes into effect August 15th.
On Guard
Blessed Mother, forgive them for initiating this horrible rule on your Special Day of the Assumption. Our Lord, will NOT accept this without some …More
Blessed Mother, forgive them for initiating this horrible rule on your Special Day of the Assumption. Our Lord, will NOT accept this without some significant reprisal for so hurting His Mother.
Whoa to you, Georgetown and your staff.
Dr Bobus
This merely confirms the obvious: Georgetown stopped being a Catholic university some years ago.

Secretary Of State communique on Holy Father's chirograph

Vatican City, 19 July 2013 (VIS) – This morning the Secretary of State released the following communique on the Holy Father's chirograph for the establishment of a Pontifical Commission on the economic …More
Vatican City, 19 July 2013 (VIS) – This morning the Secretary of State released the following communique on the Holy Father's chirograph for the establishment of a Pontifical Commission on the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See:
“The Holy Father, by a chirograph dated 18 July, has established a Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organisation of the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See.
The Commission will gather information, report to the Holy Father and co-operate with the Council of Cardinals for the study of the organisational and economic problems of the Holy See, in order to draft reforms of the institutions of the Holy See, with the aim of a “simplification and rationalisation of the existing bodies and more careful planning of the economic activities of all the Vatican Administrations”.

Devout Catholic couples have the best sex

Devout Catholic couples have the best sex, say Catholics, as studies show 'Catholic guilt' is a myth A Christian group says married Catholic couples have better sex than other demographics. The group …More
Devout Catholic couples have the best sex, say Catholics, as studies show 'Catholic guilt' is a myth
A Christian group says married Catholic couples have better sex than other demographics.
The group says religious virgins who marry will have great sex - because its the only sex they'll ever know.
Recent studies show that Catholics are more permissive than previously thought.
Only 14 per cent of Catholics would feel guilty about sexual activities including extramarital sex and watching pornography

Read more
The title of this dubious article is Devout Catholics couples have the best sex yet this study claims that only 14 per cent of Catholics would feel …More
The title of this dubious article is Devout Catholics couples have the best sex yet this study claims that only 14 per cent of Catholics would feel guilty about sexual activities including extramarital sex.
If the study deals with "Devout Catholic couples" then extramarital sex is not acceptable thereby making me doubt the 14% figure and the entire article. In addition, how many "Devout Catholic couples" would be willing to share the most intimate aspects of their lives with anyone much less some unknown entity like the Family Research Council?
Anyway, here's a joke....
A Jewish Couple about to be married

A modern, Orthodox, Jewish couple, preparing for a religious wedding, meets with their rabbi for counseling.
The rabbi asks if they have any last questions before they leave.
The man asks, "Rabbi, we realize it's tradition for men to dance with men, and women to dance with women at the reception. But, we'd like your permission to dance …More
San Francisco. Plane crash. 7th of July 2013More
San Francisco. Plane crash.
7th of July 2013

U.S. Bishops: "Today is a tragic day for marriage and our nation"

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement in response to the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8: Today is a tragic day …More
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement in response to the Supreme Court’s rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8:
Today is a tragic day for marriage and our nation. The Supreme Court has dealt a profound injustice to the American people by striking down in part the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The Court got it wrong.
The federal government ought to respect the truth that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, even where states fail to do so. The preservation of liberty and justice requires that all laws, federal and state, respect the truth, including the truth about marriage.
It is also unfortunate that the Court did not take the opportunity to uphold California’s Proposition 8 but instead decided not to rule on the matter. The common good of all, especially our children, depends upon a society that strives to uphold the truth of marriage. Now is the time to redouble our efforts in witness to this truth. These …More
✍️ The Catholic Church has to stop thinking so SMALL. This is NOT a Catholic Problem but a RELIGIOUS PROBLEM. This is an atheist law change. Catholic …More
The Catholic Church has to stop thinking so SMALL. This is NOT a Catholic Problem but a RELIGIOUS PROBLEM. This is an atheist law change. Catholic, Christians, Jews, Muslims, ... should ALL UNITE and give a UNITED response to the direction our so called FREE COUNTRY is taking. Religious Freedom and our rights to practice what we believe are being taking away and our children will be taught NOT to believe what GOD wants them to believe. We can only stop this by working together. Remember, MAJORITY RULES in the USA. Catholics are not the MAJORITY but put them together with other Christians, Jews, Muslims ... and they become the MAJORITY.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
not only fruits, rather "fruits and nuts".
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Gay Marriage: Religions in the Service of Satan. Published on Jun 27, 2013 In Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Mo., we asked faith leaders and members: What does the Supreme Court decision today mean …More
Gay Marriage: Religions in the Service of Satan.
Published on Jun 27, 2013
In Washington, D.C. and Kansas City, Mo., we asked faith leaders and members: What does the Supreme Court decision today mean for you in the context of your faith?
Religion News Service video by Adelle M. Banks and Sally Morrow
Sodomites do not understand the gospel or Jesus at all!
I fully agree, Holy Cannoli!
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Maratón de oraciones online por JMJ Rio. Con el fin de promover que las personas oren por los voluntarios y colaboradores que llevan a cabo el desarrollo de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud a realizarse …More
Maratón de oraciones online por JMJ Rio.
Con el fin de promover que las personas oren por los voluntarios y colaboradores que llevan a cabo el desarrollo de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud a realizarse del 23 al 28 de julio en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro (Brasil), la red social May Feelings convocó a miles de personas en el mundo a ser parte de la segunda Maratón de Oraciones online.
Obama Disses Catholic Schools. This was part of his official prepared remarks which are now available on the White House website: “…Because issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of jobs …More
Obama Disses Catholic Schools.
This was part of his official prepared remarks which are now available on the White House website:
“…Because issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of jobs and opportunity — symbols of history that are a source of pride for some and pain for others — these are not tangential to peace; they’re essential to it. If towns remain divided — if Catholics have their schools and buildings, and Protestants have theirs — if we can’t see ourselves in one another, if fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation.”
Dead-end of Modernity in Religion and Politics. Christopher Gillibrand is the publisher of Catholic Conclave.More
Dead-end of Modernity in Religion and Politics.
Christopher Gillibrand is the publisher of Catholic Conclave.

Why Isn't Obama's New Ambassador to the Vatican Gay?

Last Friday, late in the afternoon (which is apparently the administration’s favorite time to do business) it was announced that President Obama was nominating Ken Hackett (the former head of Catholic …More
Last Friday, late in the afternoon (which is apparently the administration’s favorite time to do business) it was announced that President Obama was nominating Ken Hackett (the former head of Catholic Relief Services) as the new U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.
Many prominent Catholics have praised the appointment.
But what I’m curious to know is, why didn’t Obama nominate a gay man or woman to become the next U.S. ambassador to the Vatican?
After all, Obama is on-track to nominate five new openly-gay ambassadors to key posts around the world (including Spain, Australia and Denmark) as part of the administration’s ongoing celebrations of “June gay pride month” — bringing the total to eight.
It’s no secret this is payback to the wealthy gay bundlers who helped finance Obama’s reelection campaign.
Continue reading
Holy Cannoli
Why didn’t Obama nominate a gay man or woman to become the next U.S. ambassador to the Vatican? Secretary of State John Kerry declared this week that …More
Why didn’t Obama nominate a gay man or woman to become the next U.S. ambassador to the Vatican?
Secretary of State John Kerry declared this week that the U.S. has a “moral obligation” to advance the gay agenda domestically and overseas. Obama and Co. must feel that the “gay agenda” was advancing well enough in the Vatican without assistance from Washington, D.C.
Hna. Anna Nobili: la monja que baila. 30 de mayo 2013: Adoración Eucarística en Palmi (Italia), iglesia de la Sagrada Familia.More
Hna. Anna Nobili: la monja que baila.
30 de mayo 2013: Adoración Eucarística en Palmi (Italia), iglesia de la Sagrada Familia.
Gloria Dio Padre
veramente vergognoso senza ritegno, ecco gli effetti del modernismo, va bene un canto, ma CRISTO E' INCHIODATO PIU' CHE MAI DALL'ERESIA MODERNISMO CON …More
veramente vergognoso senza ritegno, ecco gli effetti del modernismo, va bene un canto, ma CRISTO E' INCHIODATO PIU' CHE MAI DALL'ERESIA MODERNISMO CON UNA MENZOGNERA MISERICORDIA, MASSONI E SERVI DEL DIAVOLO CHE APPLAUDONO DAVANTI A DANZE. Davanti all'Eucarestia DIO VIVO in ginocchio religioso silenzio con velo in testa in ADORAZIONE E SOPRATUTTO RIPARAZIONE. L'ORA E' GRAVE
adorazione ...è una relazione intima profonda.. non ho niente il contrario di ballare ma quando l'anima balla balla liberamente e non per fare uno …More
adorazione ...è una relazione intima profonda.. non ho niente il contrario di ballare ma quando l'anima balla balla liberamente e non per fare uno spettacolo........quello si fanno nel teatro... 😌
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Alicante: Recién nacido abandonado en un respiradero. Published on Jun 24, 2013 Alicante, 23 jun (EFE).- La Policía Nacional ha detenido hoy en Alicante a una mujer de 26 años por un presunto delito …More
Alicante: Recién nacido abandonado en un respiradero.
Published on Jun 24, 2013
Alicante, 23 jun (EFE).- La Policía Nacional ha detenido hoy en Alicante a una mujer de 26 años por un presunto delito de tentativa de asesinato después de que supuestamente arrojara por el hueco en el que confluyen los desagües de un edificio a su recién nacido, que fue rescatado con vida tras pasar atrapado unas 40 horas.
El neonato, que se hallaba envuelto entre bolsas de plástico, es un varón de 2.100 kilos y se encuentra en estado grave por una fractura en el radio y otras lesiones, aunque su vida no corre peligro, según ha informado la Policía Nacional.
La Policía ha detenido a la madre, de origen español, después de que tras dar a luz el pasado día 21, intentara, al parecer, deshacerse del bebé arrojándolo a un hueco comunitario de un metro cuadrado de superficie en el que confluyen los desagües de las viviendas.
Según el relato policial, esta madrugada, sobre las 2.00 horas, un vecino de un edificio …More
Josefina Rojo
Pobre mujer dos veces. Su intención siempre estuvo marcada por la maldad. No abortó por no tener dinero.... una mala decisión y luego al nacer lo …More
Pobre mujer dos veces. Su intención siempre estuvo marcada por la maldad. No abortó por no tener dinero.... una mala decisión y luego al nacer lo trata de matar....ella atendiéndose en el hospital y el niño tirado, quebrado, doliente.... dos veces el Señor impidió tanto mal. Pobre de ella.... pobrecita.... .... ¿y el padre biológico? parece que no existiera... pero anda por ahí y participa en todo de esa maldad. Dios tenga misericordia de ellos. Dios quiera también, que ese niñito tenga pronto unos padres que lo cuiden y lo amen.

Sr Mechtilde Has Received the Benedictine Habit

On the feast of St Matthias, 14 May, our postulant received the Benedictine habit and was given a new name. Below is Mother Abbess’ talk in Chapter on that occasion. In today’s liturgy of the Feast of …More
On the feast of St Matthias, 14 May, our postulant received the Benedictine habit and was given a new name. Below is Mother Abbess’ talk in Chapter on that occasion.
In today’s liturgy of the Feast of St. Matthias, we are given clear evidence of God’s elective love, a theme prominent also in the Prologue of Our Holy Father St.Benedict to his Rule: “What can be sweeter to us, dearest brethren, than this voice of Our Lord inviting us? Behold, in his loving mercy the Lord shows us the way of life.” Ecce pietate sua demonstrat nobis Dominus viam vitae.
We also choose, or rather elect to respond to this invitation. A monastic vocation is, therefore, the meeting of two choices, God’s and ours. In choosing to follow Christ in the monastic life, a person sets aside other choices, which could have brought natural fulfilment and even the plaudits of the world. Instead, she seeks to walk carefully in the truth, to study beauty, to practise goodness and engage in self-conquest, to become “communis …More
The Anti-Church British Guardian Praises Sister Teresa Forcades. Sister Teresa Forcades on WikipediaMore
The Anti-Church British Guardian Praises Sister Teresa Forcades.
Sister Teresa Forcades on Wikipedia

Keeping up with Teresa Forcades, a nun on a mission

The speedometer on Teresa Forcades' battered silver Peugeot saloon shows 130kmh, but Spain's most famously radical nun is so busy talking she seems oblivious to the 80kmh speed limit signs above the …More
The speedometer on Teresa Forcades' battered silver Peugeot saloon shows 130kmh, but Spain's most famously radical nun is so busy talking she seems oblivious to the 80kmh speed limit signs above the motorway near her Sant Benet convent on the slopes of Montserrat, Catalonia's sacred mountain.
The woman whose biting criticism of everything from banks to big pharmaceutical companies has shot her into the political limelight is rushing to Barcelona's train station so she can travel to Valencia to deliver a speech. Then she will fly to the Canary Islands for the next appointment on her public speaking schedule.
She is on the campaign trail to promote a radical manifesto for revolutionary political change (link in Catalan). In the black headdress of the Benedictine order, Forcades has emerged as one of the most outspoken – and atypical – leaders of southern Europe's fragmented, confused far left.
ignea orationem
God have mercy on us and please pray for the real religious of the One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church founded by Christ. Whatever has happened to …More
God have mercy on us and please pray for the real religious of the One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church founded by Christ. Whatever has happened to Spain, where such holy Saints were born and helped grow and nurture and at times save our Church. If this story and the degradation of the religious orders in Spain are the fruits of Vatican 2, may God help us and please come quick Lord and save us from this rot from within.
Guidance for the Popes on Liturgy. Bishop Dominique Rey. In preparation for the June conference 2013.More
Guidance for the Popes on Liturgy.
Bishop Dominique Rey. In preparation for the June conference 2013.
Michel-René Landry
👍 👍 Very good video! Thats good news! 👏 👏 We have to see more of that. Deo gratias! Laus tibi Christe!More
👍 👍 Very good video! Thats good news! 👏 👏
We have to see more of that.
Deo gratias! Laus tibi Christe!
One of the very few bishops in Europe who has made a difference.
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