Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a social media post Tuesday, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò accused Pope Francis of wanting to “normalize sodomy …

Hunter Biden's Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms …

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, long dismissed by the liberal media as a product of Russian disinformation …
Tom Morelli
3 ways to be liturgically intentional on the road

3 ways to be liturgically intentional on the road - Teaching Catholic Kids

Simply making it to a Sunday Mass while on the road can be a challenge for families. Kids (and adults) are tired and it seems …

Canberra’s eKaren doesn’t want you to see expose of Victorian primary school LGBTQ club

SHE’S at it again, even after her failed attempt to censor from Elon Musk’s X platform the Bishop Emmanuel Mari …

179. God gives us his Love

The Church is on the move. We are in the world and we’re invited to share what we have received from Jesus. We already carry everything in our heart. We will pass on what we receive in abundance. Jesus …More
The Church is on the move. We are in the world and we’re invited to share what we have received from Jesus. We already carry everything in our heart. We will pass on what we receive in abundance. Jesus, through us, will come to listen, to watch, to console, to heal people of the great lack of missing out on Love.
Going beyond our capabilities doesn’t require greater effort. It requires above all living in faith, to let Jesus be Lord and to be conscientious to what others are going through.
In reality, we don’t need to go beyond our capacities. We discover what is essential in us, what God has placed. It creates balance. We don’t need more. We already have what’s necessary.
As a guitar player retreats alone to practice his pieces of music, before making them available to the public, we’ll retreat in a favorable environment and pay attention, in a place of prayer, hear and discover what lives in us, of what God gives us, bound to his Love.
Then, as the musician, we will be able to join …More

Francis Again Advertises Transvestite Prostitutes

"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81. …More
"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81. reports that Francis greeted the sister, who lives with Sister Anna Amelia in a trailer among homosexual and transvestite prostitutes in Rome. She has been encouraging them in their vice for 56 years without calling them to repentance.
Francis sees in her "the Gospel [according to Bergoglio] lived on earth". If she had tried to lead the transvestites to Christ, Francis would have insulted her as "rigid", "dogmatic", "promotor of proselytism" or some other epithet.
On Wednesday, Jeanningros appeared with a person called "Ada", to whom Francis gave a rosary and a blessing. They were placed in the front row, as is Francis' custom when he receives transvestites who use this occasion to promote their vice.
Next Wednesday, Jeanningros will return with another group of ten privileged people, …More
Billy F
CCC 2285
Self-replicating mRNA "vaccine" depopulation bioweapons be deployed this OctoberMore
Self-replicating mRNA "vaccine" depopulation bioweapons be deployed this October

Self-replicating mRNA "vaccine" depopulation bioweapons be deployed this October

© All Rights Reserved. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free …

Russia warns US of ‘fatal consequences’ over miscalculations in Ukraine

The Kremlin on Monday said the U.S. could face “fatal consequences” if it ignores Moscow’s warnings that Ukraine should not use …

Legal Victory: Rosary Can Be Prayed in Madrid Next Weekend

The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections. The …More
The High Court of Justice in Madrid has overruled a city official and declared that the Rosary can be prayed in the streets of the Spanish capital on 8 and 9 June, during the European elections.
The prayer will take place next to a Marian church right in front of the headquarters of the Socialist Party, which is very hostile to the Church.
The ruling states that there are "no well-founded reasons" to justify how the prayer would affect the political neutrality required on election day.
The organisers said in a statement that 'in the face of their [= the regimes] prohibitions, we must defend without fear what is ours'.
One wonders how much it has cost in legal fees for lawyers and courts to reach this decision.
Billy F
Vivat Christus Rex!!!
Ave Maria!
Live Mike
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns …More
"A powerful LGBT lobby has taken up residence within the Catholic Church and breached the dam of its moral doctrine. The goal of this lobby is to come to change the Church’s Magisterium, which condemns homosexuality without appeal. We are not dealing with a conspiracy theory." [...]
"Some theologians and canonists have criticized this document because it deprives diocesan bishops of the power to make a reliable judgment on present extraordinary phenomena, transferring it to the Dicastery of the Faith and ultimately to the Holy Father. However, this centralization of power is not the most problematic element of the text."

Does the Church Still Believe in the Supernatural? - From Fiducia supplicans to the norms on the …

The declaration The …

Surviving the aftermath: Scenarios in a post-EMP event –

While you're doing your research, you can also start building your stockpile by purchasing food supplies like food buckets and …

Trinity Sunday Collect: An indictment of the conciliar church -

The Collect for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity in the Traditional Roman Rite provides compelling evidence (or should I say, more evidence …

Judge Cannon to allow arguments to consider validity of Jack Smith appointment - Badlands Media

Judge Cannon is preparing to hold an extensive hearing on President Trump’s request to declare Jack Smith’s …
Info Krieger Krieger

Rorate’s Major Statement: The evidence mounts -

When it comes to Catholic discourse, I tend to prefer the essay over the interview, the written word over the verbal presentation. Why? Because it’s more …
pater pauperum
Importance of Hierarchy in Authority - Catholicism and Modernism, as shown below, understand truth very differently, one defending the primacy of God’s objective reality, the other promoting the …More
Importance of Hierarchy in Authority - Catholicism and Modernism, as shown below, understand truth very differently, one defending the primacy of God’s objective reality, the other promoting the subjective expression of individual opinions. FSSPX

Importance of Hierarchy in Authority

Importance of Hierarchy in Authority Catholicism teaches that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. The Catholic …
Naomi Arai
Fun, isn't it?

Almost All Recent Global Warming Caused by Green Air Policies – Shock Revelation From NASA – The …

The world of climate science is in shock following extraordinary findings from a team of high-powered …

Trans-Identified Male Investigated For Murder Of Trans-Identified Female Partner In Norway

A trans-identified male is being investigated by Norwegian authorities for the brutal murder of his partner, a …

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a social media post Tuesday, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò accused Pope Francis of wanting to “normalize sodomy …

Give me wings, God!

I run Lord I rush to Thy door life is moving too slowly I can’t wait When it will end! Lord give me wings Give me strength I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave …More
I run Lord
I rush to Thy door
life is moving too slowly
I can’t wait
When it will end!
Lord give me wings
Give me strength
I will soar to where You are! I know you love me. There on the road you gave me a sign When to the bottom I was falling. But You saved me ! but You loved me ! so I run to Your feet and though my cross is heavy I want to be where You are but I will not cry, O Lord I know that tears will help nothing I know that with You on this mountain I have to climb but you know that I love You! Forgive me Lord though I nailed You to a tree Forgive me oh Lord That I have searched for You for so long But now Lord I am here although sometimes I think I’m dreaming For you, O Lord, love me so please don’t let me sleep so that I don’t miss the gates of heaven O Lord give me wings That I may soar where You are! O Lord I still run to Your door! O Lord when I stand before Your face I beg You not to cast me down into the abyss do not take You away from me Lord give me wings I will soar to …More

Jailed pro-lifer: We accept abuse and suffering because aborted children suffer even worse - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In the shadowlands of human history, even in the glare of the Middle Eastern sun, …
chris griffin
@Cc Ss....Your point is well taken; it is a war on two fronts.
Cc Ss
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place. It’s like …More
The issue is people are putting all their focus on abortion when the crime is the promiscuity that got her pregnant in the first place.
It’s like enabling a person to steal then getting mad only when they go to pawn the merch. One is a direct result of the other.
Isn’t it the devil who turns everything upside down and convinces us that what is wrong is really right?
We are causing young women enormous confusion by letting the first sin slide as long as you don’t commit the other.