Are the walls closing in on the trans-industrial complex?

Are the walls closing in on the trans-industrial complex?To answer that right off the bat: It sure looks like the walls are closing in, though …
Fr Gordon J MacRae
The Priest-King Melchizedek appears in only two verses in the Old Testament but in Salvation History he is a link in a chain from Noah to Abraham to Christ the King.

The Feast of Corpus Christi and the Order of Melchizedek — Beyond These Stone Walls

The Feast of Corpus Christi and the Order of Melchizedek The readers of A Documentary Interview with Father Gordon …
Mar Mari Emmanuel.
Work Hard To Seek Union With Christ Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-1-2024 Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul You can also find Fr. Robert …More
Work Hard To Seek Union With Christ
Latin Mass Homily by Fr. Robert Altier for 6-1-2024
Fr Altier is a Priest at Holy Trinity Parish in South St. Paul
You can also find Fr. Robert Altier’s homilies and talks on:
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Francis Turns Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith into a Pro-Gay Club

On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on Cardinal José Tolentino …More
On 1st June Francis appointed three figures as members of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith. They are all homosexual activists, shows Edward Pentin on
Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Ignorance and Illiteracy (formerly "Culture and Education"), has been accused of being a homosexual in Portugal. He was rector of the private 'Capela do Rato' in Lisbon, where he encouraged people to engage in homosexual sins. Mendonça also wrote the preface to a book by homosexual activist Maria Teresa Forcades i Vila, who is also a religious sister.
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Inflation of the Number of Saints, made his former diocese the Italian capital of the Novus Ordo homosexual movement. He hosted an annual forum of homosexuals who claimed to be "Christians" and who promoted homosexual propaganda within the Church. He also wrote the foreword to a book by an Italian priest entitled 'Possible Love - Homosexual …More
Like a broken clock that’s right at least twice a day, Pope Francis hit it out of the ballpark when he decried that “There’s just too much damned …More
Like a broken clock that’s right at least twice a day, Pope Francis hit it out of the ballpark when he decried that “There’s just too much damned faggotry!!!” in the Church. Clearly, this adage applies (and has always applied) far, far more to the Vatican itself than to any other part, section, element or area of the Church, as is evidenced by the very unsurprising information contained in this posting. The excessive effluvia of sodomy and sodomites that overflows in rank, rancid, malodorous abundance throughout the whole Church has its filthy, fetid headwaters in Rome. May God help us all. 😐
Tomito Barnin Railin
In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop …More
In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop of Albano, lived with a priest who was his "boyfriend" for years - and in Rome it was known and their "relationship" was a source of gossip for years.
The other day I commented in an article by @Wilma Lopez that Francis was a hypocrite for talking about homosexuality in seminaries. The reason is the following, and this is well known in his country because he already did it in Buenos Aires: Bergoglio is not homosexual - in the Vatican they knew it because the Jesuits in charge and the superiors knew him well and criticized him for many things, but not for that one-; but he uses homosexuals to achieve his objectives. An example was his former secretary, Fabián Pedacchio: a notorious homosexual, he used him as a spy in the Congregation for Bishops and then got rid of him.
Francis promotes homosexuals because he knows they will be loyal to …More
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All Saints
Don’t Know Much
The taste of freedom was in the air today in London.. Deus Vult... A perfect day.

Blood transfusions from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients may be deadly: Japanese researchers - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A Japanese preprint study warned of risks in transfusing blood from COVID vaccine…
Like the time of Noe the DNA was altered. Gen. 6: 11 And the earth was corrupted before God, and was filled with iniquity. 12 And when God had seen …More
Like the time of Noe the DNA was altered.
Gen. 6: 11 And the earth was corrupted before God, and was filled with iniquity. 12 And when God had seen that the earth was corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth,) 13 He said to Noe: The end of all flesh is come before me, the earth is filled with iniquity through them, and I will destroy them with the earth. 14Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou shalt make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt pitch it within and without.
Michael Burns

My CIA Sources Say Biden Administration Knows Waves of “Red Dawn” Terror Attacks Will Be Carried Out …

By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve been warning on my national TV and radio shows for many months about waves …

France: A passenger did not hesitate to intervene in the face of the behaviour of a man who was playing …

His trained eye immediately analysed the object. ‘It was a large knife with a 20 cm long blade and …

Validity is not enough to make a Mass good/godly - Words of Bishop Lefebvre - fsspx

Validity is a misleading word. For many people who are not used to theological and canonical terms, validity means that it is valid. (...) It's not about that! Validity means that the presence and …More
Validity is a misleading word. For many people who are not used to theological and canonical terms, validity means that it is valid. (...) It's not about that! Validity means that the presence and effectiveness of the grace that is in the sacrament, the effectiveness of the effect, can be there, even if the ceremony is sacrilegious! A valid mass could also be sacrilegious!
Google- Translation from

Is the reformed mass just less good?
Once the weaknesses of the liturgical reform have been examined, is the new mass only less good than the traditional one or can it be classified as bad? Are all valid masses good?
Although the validity of the new mass may not be at stake, it is a poisoned mass, because from the moment in which the properly Catholic truths of the mass are no longer affirmed in order to please Protestants, faith in these truths also disappear little by little. It is something so evident seeing the consequences of the new mass! For this reason, it is impossible for …More


Tom Morelli
Just in time for Eucharistic Revival, Jesus is on the big screen on 06/01/24 'Jesus Thirsts' is a film our world needs, especially in this time of Eucharistic Revival. Put it on your calendar for June …More
Just in time for Eucharistic Revival, Jesus is on the big screen
on 06/01/24
'Jesus Thirsts' is a film our world needs, especially in this time of Eucharistic Revival. Put it on your calendar for June 4, 5, or 6!

When we think of stars who might appear on the silver screen, most of us would not expect to see Jesus on the short list. But that’s what’s heading our way with an exciting and beautiful new film, Jesus Thirsts, which is all about the life-changing power of the Holy Eucharist. We can’t think of anything better to watch during this year of Eucharistic Revival!
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharistis a feature documentary from Executive Producer Deacon Steve Greco and producers James Wahlberg and Tim Moriarty. It invites viewers along on a global journey to understand the transformative power of the Eucharist.
Engaging in dialogue with notable Catholic figures, Jesus Thirsts explores the biblical origins of the Eucharist and shares personal stories of individuals whose …More
Fake mass fake priest fake bishops fake pope welcome to the great apostasy thanks to Vatican II . 1960 the year all hell broke lose . Reverse engineer …More
Fake mass fake priest fake bishops fake pope welcome to the great apostasy thanks to Vatican II . 1960 the year all hell broke lose . Reverse engineer 200 years of modernism the pigs get their way
WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka - How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go? June 1, 2024 Tags Homosexuality, Sexual Abuse from A Catholic Take by Gene Gomulka …
With recent scandal in SSPX no community is immune ,those who new the third secret were shocked at its contents I think we are just starting to see what …More
With recent scandal in SSPX no community is immune ,those who new the third secret were shocked at its contents I think we are just starting to see what they know.
Ivan Tomas
Yeah. But who, who is responsible for such criminal and shameful act to put the LIST with the 1100 names of the militant sodomites infiltrated in Church …More
Yeah. But who, who is responsible for such criminal and shameful act to put the LIST with the 1100 names of the militant sodomites infiltrated in Church, in some deep dark hole, given to bp. Sheen by ex-communist american leader Bella Dodd?!
And I am sure that we mustn't think about bp. Sheen concerning this, but think harder searching higher, much higher ranked clergy (or shall we better say "clergy")!
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On May 31, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) granted an extension of the Special Mining Business License to PT Freeport Indonesia, a subsidiary of the American giant Freeport McMoRan that manages …More
On May 31, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) granted an extension of the Special Mining Business License to PT Freeport Indonesia, a subsidiary of the American giant Freeport McMoRan that manages one of the world's largest gold and copper mine, until its reserves expire. At the same time, President Jokowi also allowed Islamic organizations to manage the mining sector.

West Papua's struggle is to save the global environment.

West Papua's struggle is to save the global environment. On May 31, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) granted an extension of the Special …
chris griffin

The desecration of the Catholic Church

Abortion is approved by 56% of Catholics. The real Presence of the Eucharist is rejected by 35% of Catholics. The priesthood, Bishops and Cardinals are filled with homosexuals and sexual abusers and …More
Abortion is approved by 56% of Catholics.
The real Presence of the Eucharist is rejected by 35% of Catholics.
The priesthood, Bishops and Cardinals are filled with homosexuals and sexual abusers and the attendant lawsuits.
The Magisterium refuses to enforce Catholic canon law and Church sanctity regarding heretics.
....and the DESOLATION of the Catholic Church.More
....and the DESOLATION of the Catholic Church.
Sermon Fr Michael Rodriguez - The Soul of the Catholic ChurchMore
Sermon Fr Michael Rodriguez - The Soul of the Catholic Church
Jeffrey Ade

The Feast of Corpus Christi and the Angel of Portugal | The Fatima Center

“For My flesh is meat indeed: and My blood is drink indeed. He that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, abideth in Me, and …
Greatest antipope of all time practicing homosexual anti pope Paul VI supplanted the holy sacrifice of the mass with the novus odor mass with its false …More
Greatest antipope of all time practicing homosexual anti pope Paul VI supplanted the holy sacrifice of the mass with the novus odor mass with its false bishops and priest hood by their fruits you know them
If You Feel Weak & Discouraged, Do THIS! Save Your Spot inside of the SWAT Course: SPIRITUAL WARFARE ACTION-TRAINING (SWAT) - BR Coalition Pre-Sale closes today at 10pm CST. For the first time ever …More
If You Feel Weak & Discouraged, Do THIS!
Save Your Spot inside of the SWAT Course: SPIRITUAL WARFARE ACTION-TRAINING (SWAT) - BR Coalition
Pre-Sale closes today at 10pm CST.
For the first time ever we are creating a Spiritual Warfare course designed to teach you how to defend yourself, your family and your home against the spiritual attacks from the devil. We all have experienced the daily, and at times, seemingly overwhelming attacks from the enemy. But our Lord has given us all we need to fight this battle. But do we really know how to use the weapons at our disposal?
We have just launched the presale for this course and we are inviting you to take advantage of this now.
Inside the course we have several experts and theologians talk about their experiences, and inform us on how the devil and his demons work including their abilities and limitations, how to pray with effectiveness, and how to develop a strong and repeatable daily prayer routine that will significantly enhance your …More